Vol. 66 No. 3 (2018)

Minority Language Place-Names: A Practice-Oriented Study of the Establishment of the South Sami Kraapohke in Swedish Lapland

Published 2018-07-03


Implementation of the Swedish minority policy has resulted in the national minority languages having been visualized. But what minority language place-names should be put on road signs together with the Swedish names? This article is focused on the establishment of the Sami toponym for Dorotea in southern Swedish Lapland. The question is, which of the following Sami names should be adopted as the official name: Birjevahne (< Sw. Bergvattnet), Döörte (< Sw. Dorotea), or the original South Sami Kraapohke. This practice-oriented study illustrates the problems involved in finding out how Sami names are used in living language. Such problems generally arise when place-names are handed down by small language communities. The establishment of the Sami name Kraapohke illustrates the complicated questions that arise when working with minority language place-names and the identity processes associated with such names.


  1. Text 1: Correspondence from the Institute of Language and Folklore to the Sami Parliament’s South Sami Language Consultant regarding Dorotea’s Sami name, 10 November 2008
  2. Text 2: Correspondence from the Institute of Language and Folklore to Lantmäteriet regarding Dorotea’s Sami name, 17 November 2008
  3. Text 3: Correspondence from the Institute of Language and Folklore to Lantmäteriet regarding Dorotea’s Sami name, 17 November 2008
  4. Text 4: Correspondence from Lantmäteriet to Jenny Swennevall regarding Dorotea’s Sami name, 20 May 2009
  5. Text 5: Appeal by Jan-Olov Ellebrink et al. regarding the decision to use the South Sami name Döörte for Dorotea, 13 May 2009
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  8. Text 8: Appeal from Dorotea Municipality to the Swedish Government regarding the Sami name of Dorotea, 20 September 2013
  9. Text 9: Correspondence from Erik-Oscar Oscarsson, member of the Sami Parliament cultural committee, to the Sami Parliament regarding the Sami name of Dorotea, 24 June 2014
  10. Text 10: “Supplemental statement” from Dorotea Municipality to the Swedish Government regarding the name of Dorotea, 20 August 2014
  11. Text 11: Basis for statement from ISOF to the Swedish Government in conjunction with the Sami name of Dorotea, 24 February 2016
  12. Text 12: Statement from ISOF to the Swedish Government in conjunction with the Sami name of Dorotea, 25 February 2016
  13. Text 13: Decision from the Swedish Government in conjunction with the appeal of Lantmäteriet’s decision on the Sami name of Dorotea, Dorotea Municipality, 16 June 2016
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