Publication Policy

NAMES is dedicated to publishing a broad diversity of previously unpublished scholarly articles and books reviews in the field of onomastics.  Authors from every corner of the world are therefore warmly encouraged to submit their work. Please be aware, however that NAMES requires all submissions to adhere to either US American or British English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style.  All manuscripts must be scrupulously proofread before submission to ensure the highest standard of academic writing.  Work with numerous factual, typographical, grammatical, and/or stylistic errors will not be accepted for peer review. 

Before submission, it strongly recommended that all manuscripts be reviewed by a professional proofreader who is a native English speaker who is versed in the Anglo-American scientific prose.  Any contractual agreement which the author(s) may enter into will, however, be exclusively the sole financial responsibility of the author(s).  Please be aware of the fact that the use of professional proofreading services will in no way guarantee acceptance of a submission by either the Editorial Board or the Editor-in-Chief.  However, the failure to appropriately edit a submission will automatically be considered sufficient grounds for immediate, unqualified rejection.  The Editor-in-Chief has the final word on the acceptance of any piece submitted to the journal for possible publication.

While membership in the American Name Society is not a requirement for either submission or publication in NAMES, publication preference may be given to ANS members. All manuscripts that are found to comply to the Author Guidelines, the Author-Date System of the Chicago Manual of Style, and the ANS Style Sheet, will be sent to members of the NAMES Editorial Board for blind review. Acceptance for publication is contingent upon obtaining approval from the blind reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief. Failure to satisfactorily address concerns raised during the review process may result in manuscript rejection. 

The American Name Society is committed to creating an ethical, fair, courteous, productive, and positive work environment within academia.  Differences of opinion are welcome and spirited, fact-based discussion is encouraged.  However, personal insults will not be tolerated.  Discourteous, offensive, dishonest, and/or antagonistic communications are therefore considered sufficient grounds for immediate rejection of a current or future manuscript, followed by termination of communication with the offending party.