Editorial Team


Dr. I. M. Nick, Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics (GERMANY)


Book Review Editor

Dr. Christine De Vinne, Ursuline College (USA)


Review Board Members

Dr. Michael Adams, Indiana University Bloomington (USA)

Dr. Terhi Ainiala, University of Helsinki (FINLAND)

Dr. Emilia Aldrin, Halmstad University (SWEDEN)

Dr. Susan Behrens, Marymount Manhattan College (USA)

Dr. Gerrit Bloothooft, University of Utrecht (THE NETHERLANDS)

Dr. Edward Callary, Northern Illinois University (USA)

Dr. Lindsey Chen, National Taiwan Normal University (TAIWAN)

Dr. Julien Cooper, Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University (CHINA)

Dr. Christine De Vinne, Ursuline College (USA)

Dr. Peder Gammeltoft, University of Bergen (NORWAY)

Dr. Samira Hassa, Manhattan College (USA)

Dr. Julia Kuhn, University of Jena (GERMANY)

Dr. I. M. Nick, Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics (GERMANY)

Dr. Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville (USA)

Dr. Sharon Obasi, University of Nebraska Kearney (USA)

Dr. Fernando Sánchez Rodas (University of Malaga, SPAIN)

Dr. Maggie Scott, University of Salford (ENGLAND)

Dr. Brandon Simonson, Boston University (USA)

Ms. Laurel Sutton, Catchword Branding (USA)

Dr. Jan Tent, Australian National University, Canberra (AUSTRALIA)

Dr.  Feng  Wang, Chengdu University of Technology (CHINA)



Journal Editors-in-Chief, Past and Present

Dr. Erwin C. Gudde (1953-1956)

Dr. Madison Beeler (1956-1959)

Dr. Demetrius Georgacas (1960-1961)

Dr. Wallace McMullen (1962-1965)

Dr. Kelsie B. Harder (1966-1968)

Dr. Conrad Rothrauff (1969-1981)

Dr. Murray Heller (1982-1983) 

Dr. Kelsie B. Harder (1984-1987)

Dr. Thomas J. Gasque (1988-1992)

Dr. Edward Callary (1993-2002)

Dr. Ren Vasiliev (2003-2007)

Dr. Frank Nuessel (2007-2018)

Dr. I.M. Nick  (2019-present)