Vol. 33 No. 4 (1985)
Research Article

A Reason for Reagan

Published 1985-12-01


  1. Abrams, Bill. “Feldstein, Aspartame, Whoops and Nynex: Here’s Our ’83 Business-News Trivia Quiz.” Wall Street Journal, 30 Dec. 1983, 11.
  2. Arenson, Karen W. “Men in the News . . . Treasury: Donald Thomas Regan.” New York Times, 12 Dec. 1980, A28.
  3. Blustein, Paul. “Betting Is Beginning On Departure Date of Martin Feldstein: Economist Incurs the Wrath of Reagan by Repeatedly Calling for Tax Increase.” Wall Street Journal, 2 Dec. 1983, 1.
  4. Brown, Edmund G. (Pat) and Bill Brown. Reagan: The Political Chameleon. New York: Praeger, 1976.
  5. Cannon, Lou. Reagan. New York: Putnam, 1982.
  6. Cleaver, Eldridge. Lecture at Univ. of California, Berkeley, fall 1968. Los Angeles: KPFK radio,14 July 1969.
  7. Cole, Lester. Hollywood Red. Ramparts Press 1981.
  8. Current Biography Yearbook 1949. Ed. Anna Rothe. New York: Wilson, 1950.
  9. Current Biography Yearbook 1967. Ed. Charles Moritz. New York: Wilson, 1968.
  10. Current Biography Yearbook 1981. Ed. Charles Moritz. New York: Wilson, 1982.
  11. Current Biography Yearbook 1982. Ed. Charles Moritz. New York: Wilson, 1983.
  12. Davis, Angela. Talk given in Oct. 1969. Los Angeles: KPFK radio, 14 Dec. 1969.
  13. Edwards, Lee. Ronald Reagan: A Political Biography. Rev. ed. Fwd. by William F. Buckley Jr. Houston: Nordland,1980.
  14. Goldberg, Arthur. Interview at his Los Angeles home. Los Angeles: ABC television, 18 June 1969.
  15. Hall, John. “Dirty Town, Sick School” Los Angeles Times, 6 June 1968.
  16. Kaplan, Justin. “Tune That Name.” New Republic, 1 May 1984, 10–11.
  17. Kökeritz, Helge. Shakespeare’s Pronunciation. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1953.
  18. Landers, Ann. Advice column. Jacksonville (III.) Journal Courier, 18Feb. 1984, Showtime section, 13.
  19. Lauritsen, Alma Imhoff. “Michael Reagan Puts Down Roots in Illinois.” In Patricia Meade White, The Invincible Irish: Ronald Wilson Reagan: Irish Ancestry and Immigration to America (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Portola Press, 1981), 75–89.
  20. McCllelland, Doug. Hollywood on Ronald Reagan: Friends and Enemies Discuss Our President, The Actor. Winchester, Mass.: Faber and Faber,1983.
  21. “New Role for Reagan.” Time, 14 Jan. 1966, 28.
  22. Oulahan, Richard and William Lambert. “The Real Ronald Reagan Stands Up.” Life, 21 Jan. 1966, 70–72ff.
  23. Reagan, Ronald. Where’s the Rest of Me? New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1965.
  24. “Reagan Genealogy.” The New Yorker, 9 Nov. 1981, 44–45.
  25. Regan, Donald. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Speech to National Press Club, Washington, D.C. Broadcast on National Public Radio, 29 June 1983.
  26. Safire, William. “On Language: Stine or Steen?” New York Times Magazines, 25 Dec. 1983, 6, 8.
  27. Seale, Artie. Remarks on news broadcast. Los Angeles: KPFK radio, 16 Dec. 1969.
  28. Shakespeare, William. The Norton Facsimile: The First Folio of Shakespeare. Ed. Charleton Hinman. New York: 1968.
  29. Smith, Adam. “Why Feldstein Hangs Tough.” New York Times Magazine, 18 March 1984, 34–35, 87, 109.
  30. Springer, Bob. “Residents of Reagan’s Birthplace Feel Hurt by Birthday Visit Snub.” Associated Press dispatch. Jacksonville (Ill.) Journal Courier, 22 Jan. 1984, 32.
  31. Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq. In The Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. New York: Harper, 1903.
  32. Wyld, Henry Cecil. A History of Modern Colloquial English. 3rd. ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1956 (repr. of 1936).