Published 1991-09-01
Copyright (c) 1991 Maney

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
AbstractFort Christina, named for Queen Christina of Sweden, was the site of the first Swedish settlement in America. The name shifted to a major tributary of the Delaware River and several other features. In later years the name underwent changes, and in an unprecedented act the Delaware Legislature in 1937 attempted to legalize the original form. Historical documentation over a 353-year period illustrates the name changes that have occurred.
- Acrelius, Israel. A History of New Sweden. Trans. William N. Reynolds. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1874.
- Beers, D.G. Atlas of the State of Delaware. Philadelphia: Pomeroy and Beers, 1868.
- Burr, Horace, trans. The Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) ChurchiWilmingtoniDelaware From 1697 to 1773. Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware,1890.
- Cooch, Edward W. Delaware Historical Events. Cooch’s Bridge, DE: Privately printed by the author,1946.
- Cooch, Richard Rodney. A History of Christiana, Delaware. Christiana, DE: Bicentennial Commission,1976.
- Craig, Peter S. “The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware.” Swedish American Genealogist 9 (1989): 1–8.
- Ferris, Benjamin. A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware. Wilmington: Wilson and Heald,1846.
- Gehring, Charles T., ed. and trans. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch-Delaware Papers 1648–1664. Baltimore. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1981.
- Lindeström, Peter. Geographia Americas. Trans. Amandus Johnson. Philadelphia: Swedish Colonial Society, 1925.
- Original Land Titles in DelawareiCommonly Called Duke of York Record 1646–1671. Wilmington: Sunday Star,1903.
- Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware 1676–1681. Lancaster, PA: Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1904.
- Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Delaware. 2 vols. Philadelphia; L.J. Reynolds, 1888.
- Weslager, C.A. Delaware's Forgotten River— The Story of the Christina. Wilmington: Hambleton,1947.
- Weslager, C.A. New Sweden on the Delaware 1638–1655. Wilmington: Middle Atlantic P,1988.
- Weslager, C.A. A Man and his Ship: Peter Minuit and the Kalmar Nyckel. Wilmington: Kalmar Nyckel Foundation,1990.
- Weslager, C.A. in collaboration with A. R. Dunlap. Dutch ExplorersiTraders and Settlers in the Delaware Valley 1609–1664. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P,1961.