Published 1993-06-01
Copyright (c) 1993 Maney

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AbstractThe name Yahu, variant of Yahweh, component of numerous names in the Hebrew Bible, including the Hebrew form of Swift's own first name, Yehonatan ‘the gift of Yahu,’ may have been Swift's source for the name Yahoo in the fourth voyage of Gulliver's Travels. Swift could have meant the echo of Yahu in Yahoo as an ironic and tragic reminder that humans, said to be created in the image of Yahweh, are capable of degenerating to the moral depths symbolized by the Yahoos.
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- Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (IDB). Ed. George Arthur Buttrick, et al. 4 vols. New York and Nashville: Abingdon, 1962.
- Kennelly, Laura B. “Swift’s Yahoo and King Jehu: Genesis of an Allusion.” English Language Notes 26.3 (1989): 37–45.
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- Kolatch, Alfred J. Complete Dictionary of English and Hebrew First Names. Middle Village, New York.: Jonathan David, 1984.
- LeFanu, William. A Catalogue of Books Belonging to Dr Jonathan Swift Dean of St Patrick’s Dublin Aug. 19 1715. Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 1988.
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