Published 1993-12-01
Copyright (c) 1993 Maney

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
AbstractWelsh surnames based upon occupation, while not competing quantitatively with the overwhelming numbers of patronymics, are not without importance in the onomastic repertoire. Bearers of such names are not always aware of their meanings, yet fluent speakers seem to recognize their essential Welshness, or Celticity.
- Bardsley, Charles Wareing. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames. London: Frowde, 1901.
- Gourvil, Francis. ‘Les noms de profession dans l’anthroponymie bretonne.’ QuatriEme Congres International de Sciences Onomastiques,” vol. 2. Actes et Memoires, pp. 259–264.
- Lewis, Henry. Datblygiad yr laith Gymraeg. Cardiff: U of Wales P,1931.
- Lewis, Henry. Yr Elfen Ladin yn yr laith Gymraeg. Cardiff: U of Wales P,1943.
- Morgan, T. J. and Prys Morgan. Welsh Surnames. Cardiff: U of Wales P,1985.
- Parry-Williams, Thomas H. The English Element in Welsh. London: Honorable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1923.
- Pedersen, Holger. Vergleichende Grammatik der keltischen Sprachen. Gottingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht,1909, 1913.
- Reaney, P. H. A Dictionary of British Surnames. London: 1958.
- Richards, Robert. Cymru’r Oesau Canol. Wrexham: Hughes & Son,1933.
- Williams, Ifor. Pedeir keinc y Mabinogi. Cardiff: U of Wales P,1930.