Published 1999-09-01
Copyright (c) 1999 Maney

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
AbstractThere have been many changes to and confusions surrounding the naming of Bermuda and the name Bermuda itself. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, one finds the Isle of Devils and the variants Bermuda Isles and Somers Islands. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, one sees the use of Bermuda Islands and The Bermudas to an equal degree, while recently Bermuda has predominated. Throughout history, there has been confusion over whether Bermuda was one or several islands; in addition, analogy to such names as Barbados, Barbuda, the Bahamas, and even the Virginias has added to the confusion. The name given to Bermuda in other European languages reflects the same confusion as has been present in English. At present, Bermuda is used as the official designation for the country; however, Bermuda Islands can still be found on maps and tourist literature published in Bermuda.
- Barreiro-Meiro, Roberto. 1970. Las Isias Bermudas y Juan Bermudez. Madrid: Institute Historico de Marina.
- Bermuda. Handy Reference Map. 1996. Produced by the Bermuda Department of Tourism.
- Blagg, G. Daniel. 1997. Bermuda Atlas and Gazetteer. Watercolours by Luca Gasperi. Dover, Delaware: Dover Litho Publishing Company.
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- Horsfield, Brian, compiled and drawn by. 1990. The Bermuda Islands. 1:20,000 scale map including street plans of Hamilton and St. Georges and 1300 road names located and indexed. First edition, March 1990; second edition, May 1996. Island maps, Warwick, Bermuda.
- Hughes, Lewes. 1615. A Letter sent into England from the Summer Hands. Written by Mr. Lewes Hughes, Preacher of Gods Word there. 1615. Printed at London 1 B. for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Swanne in Paules Church-yard. Reprint Amsterdam & New York: Da Capo Press, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd.,1971.
- Ives, Vernon A., Ed. 1984. The Rich Papers. Letters from Bermuda 1615–1646. Eyewitness Accounts sent by the Early Colonists to Sir Nathaniel Rich. Toronto: U of Toronto P [for the Bermuda National Trust].
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- Jourdan [Jourdain], Silvester. 1610. A Discovery of the Barmudas, otherwise called the lie of Divels: By Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Sommers, and Captayne Newport, with divers others. Set forth for the loue of my Country, and also for the good of the Plantation in Virginia. London: John Windet; a second edition 1613, with changed title A Plaine Description of the Barmudas now called the Sommer Hands. With the manner of their discouerie Anno 1609 by the shipwrack and admirable deliuerance of Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Sommers, wherein are truly set forth the commodities and profits of that Rich, Pleasant, and Healthfull Countrie. With an Addition, or more ample relation of diuers other remarkeable matters concerning those Hands since then experienced, lately sent from thence by one of the Colonie now there resident. London: W. Stansby.
- Kennedy, Jean de Chantai. 1971. Isle of Devils. Bermuda under the Somers Island Companyi1609–1685. Glasgow: Collins.
- Kretschmer, Konrad. 1892. Die Historischen Karten zur Entdeckung Amerikas. Atlas nach Konrad Kretschmer. Frankfurt: Umschau; reprint 1991.
- Le Grand Larousse Universel. 1991.
- Närhi, Eeva Maria, Ed. 1994. Maiden nimet kuudella kielellä. Suomeski- ruotsiksi-saameksi-englanniksi-ranskaksi-saksaksi. [The names of countries in six languages. In Finnish-Swedish-Saame-English- French-German]. Helsinki: Painatuskeskus.
- National Geographic Atlas of the World. 1981. Fifth Edition. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.
- Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernandez de. 1944–1945. Historia general y natural de las Indias islas y tierra-firme de mar Océano... / Prologo de J. Natalico Gonzalez; notas de José Amador de los Rios. 14 volumes. Asuncion de Paraguay: Editorial Guarania.
- Palmer, Margaret. 1988. The Mapping of Bermuda. A Bibliography of Printed Maps and Charts, 1548–1970. Edited by R. V. Tooley. Third revised edition. Paget, Bermuda: Nicholas Lusher, Dealer in Antique Maps and Prints.
- Portinaro, Pierluigi and Franco Knirsch. 1987. The Cartography of North America, 1500–1800. New York: Crescent Books.
- Rich. R. [Robert]. Newes from Virginia. The lost flock Triumphant. With the happay arrival of that famous and worthy knight Sir Thomas Gates: and the well reputed and valiante Captain Mr. Christopher Newporte, and others, into England. With the manner of their distresse in the Iland of Deuils (otherwise called Bermoothawes) where they remayned 42. weekes, and bilded two Pynaces, in which they returned into Virginia. By R. Rich, Gent.,one of the voyage. London. Printed by Eds: Allde, and are to be solde by John Wright, at Christ-Church dore. 1610. (Reprinted in Kennedy, Jean de Chantai. 1971. Isle of Devils. Bermuda under the Somers Island Company, 1609–1685. Glasgow: Collins. 280–282).
- Shorto, Sylvia. 1996. Bermuda Gardens and Houses. Photographs by Ian Macdonald-Smith. New York: Rizzoli.
- Tucker, Terry. 1975. Bermuda: today and yesterday, 1503–1973. London: R. Hale; New York: St. Martin’s Press.
- Valentine, Nancy, intro. 1996. The Bermuda Islands, a convenient, picturesque and salubrious Winter Resort. A Facsimile of the Original Bermuda Tourist Guide First Published in 1875 by the Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Company, New York and Bermuda Division. Bermuda: Hutchins Books.