Published 2006-03-01
Copyright (c) 2006 Maney

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AbstractEmily Dickinson used at least 162 placenames, or toponyms, in her poetic vocabulary. Approximately 195 of Dickinson's 1,789 poems employ at least one placename, more than one tenth of the poetic corpus. Of the 162 placenames in Dickinson's poems, 70 refer to places in Europe, 17 to the Middle East, 12 each refer to Africa and North America, 11 each to Central America and Eurasia, 10 each to Asia and South America, and 1 reference each to Austronesia and the North Pole. In addition, Dickinson makes 7 references to sacred space and outer space. Dickinson refers to 29 different kinds of topographic entities: choronyms such as continents, oikonyms such as cities, oronyms such as mountains, hydronyms such as rivers, astronyms such as planets, and miscellaneous features such as languages, gardens, battle sites, or churches. The best resources for studying Dickinson's toponyms are Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language (1828-1844) and the Oxford English Dictionary. To consolidate and augment the information in these and other resources, we have defined all of the toponyms in Dickinson's poetic lexicon for the forthcoming Emily Dickinson Lexicon.
- Unless otherwise indicated, the following abbreviations are used for reference to the writings of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson:
- Fr R.W. Franklin, ed. 1998. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. 3 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Citations by poem number.
- J Thomas H. Johnson, ed. 1955. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. 3 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Citation by poem number.
- L Thomas H. Johnson, ed. and Theodora Ward. 1958. The Letters of Emily Dickinson. 3 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Citation by letter number.
- Beech, Martin. 2005. W.F. Denning: In Quest of Meteors. Regina, Canada: University of Regina,http: //
- Benvenuto, Richard. 1983. “Words Within Words: Dickinson’s Use of the Dictionary.” ESQ 29:46–55.
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. 1936. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Centenary Edition. Boston: Little, Brown.
- The Bible, King James Version. 1979. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Blackie, C. A Dictionary of Place-Names: Giving their Derivations. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gate Research Co,1968.
- Browner, Stephanie. 2004. “Love and Conquest: the Erotics of Colonial Discourse in Dickinson’s poems and letters.” The Classroom Electric: Dickinson, Whitman, and American Culture.
- Capps, Jack. 1966. Emily Dickinson’s Reading: 1836–1886. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
- Crystal, David. 2000. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Dickinson Electronic Archives website. 2004.
- Eberwein, Jane Donahue. 1996. “‘Siren Alps’: The Lure of Europe for American Writers.” Emily Dickinson Journal, 5(2):176–182.
- Ellis, Richard S. 1999. “‘A little East of Jordan’: Human-Divine Encounter in Dickinson and the Hebrew Bible.” Emily Dickinson Journal, 8(l):36–58.
- Engeln, O.D. von and Jane McKelway Urquhart. The Story Key to Geographic Names. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1970.
- Farr, Judith with Louise Carter. 2004. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Goldsmith, Oliver. 2005. “The Deserted Village, a Poem.” Representative Poetry Online,
- Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1837. A System of School Geography: Chiefly Derived from Malte-Brun, and Arranged According to the Inductive Plan of Instruction. New York: F.J. Huntington.
- Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1873. Peter Parley’s Universal History, on the Basis of Geography. New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor.
- Hamada, Sahoko. 1998. “Geographic Images.” An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Ed. Jane Donahue Eberwein. Westport: Greenwood Press, 123–124.
- Howard, William. 1957. “Emily Dickinson’s Poetic Vocabulary.” PMLA 72:225–248.
- Lowenberg, Carlton. 1986. Emily Dickinson’s Textbooks. Lafayette, CA: privately published.
- Mitchell, Domhnall. 2000. “Northern Lights: Class, Color, Culture, and Emily Dickinson.” Emily Dickinson Journal, 9(2):75–83.
- OED. Oxford English Dictionary. 1961. 12 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933.
- Palmer, Leslie H. 1976. “ED’s “Father’s Ground’—The Travel Motif of a Recluse Poet.” Dickinson Studies 30:95–104.
- Patterson, Rebecca. 1969. “Emily Dickinson’s Geography: Latin America.” Papers in Language and Literature 5:441–57.
- Patterson, Rebecca. 1979. “Emily Dickinson’s Geography.” Emily Dickinson’s Imagery. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 140–179.
- Room, Adrian. Brewer’s Dictionary of names. London: Cassett, 1992.
- Room, Adrian. Place-names of the world. North Carolina, London.: McFarland and Company, 1997.
- Silva Gruesz, Kirsten. 2004. “The Geographical Imagination in Whitman and Dickinson.” The Classroom Electric: Dickinson, Whitman,and American Culture.
- Urdang, Laurence, ed. Names and Nicknames of Places and Things. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co.,1987.
- Webster, Noah. 1828. An American Dictionary of the English Language. San Francisco: Foundation for American Christian Education, 1967 Reprint.
- Webster, Noah. 1844. An American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. New Haven: Webster.