Published 2007-12-01
Copyright (c) 2007 Maney

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AbstractI give brief historical and/or linguistic summaries of seven Jewish surnames (existing surnames or nicknames which became surnames) borne by Jews or converted Jews in the Iberian peninsula from the 11th through the 15th centuries, at the time when Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many of these were conversos ‘converts’ or marranos ‘Christians in appearance', who disguised themselves by changing their names.
- Ant. = Vasconcellos, José L. 1928. Antroponimia Portuguesa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.
- Cad. 1461 = P-1461: “Cademo dos fidalgos e privilegiados da vila de Loulé”, Copied Ms Notebooks 1790/91 (Algarve notary offices,15th c.). Lisbon: Sciences Academy Library [Mss: Cod 403].
- Cad. Imp. 1474 = P-1474: Cademo de Impost os, a Tax Notebook - 15th c. Ms from Loulé Historical Municipal Archives.
- Cont. = Contract 1347, Aragon (Sp). Doc cited by A. Blanco, ap. D. Romano “Judios Hispânicos y mundo rural” Sefarat LI, 2: 362.
- Corom. = Corominas, Joan & José Pascual.l980ss. Diccionario Critico Etimologico Castellano e Hispânico. 5 vols. Madrid: Gredos.
- Cortes XV = Iria, J. Alberto. 1990. O Algarve nas Cortes Portuguesas no século XV. Lisboa: Academia Portuguesa de História.
- Costa, Americo. 1929–49. Diccionario Chorographico de Portugal Continental e Insular. 12 vols. Porto: Liv. Civilização.
- DELP = Machado, José P. Dicionario Etimologico da Lingua Portuguesa. 3rd ed. Lisboa: Horizonte 1977.
- DOELP = Machado, José P. [1984] Dicionario Onomâstico Etimologico da Lingua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Confluência.
- E. Brit= The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, London, To- ronto...1982..
- Eisenbeth, Maurice. 1936. Les Juifs de l’Afrique du Nord-Demographie et Onomastique. Alger: Imprimerie du Lycée.
- E.Jud = Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Keter,1971.
- Ferreira, Valentina G. 1993. “Jewish Names [First Ns.] of the 15th century in the Iberian Peninsula.” In Kremer, Dieter, and Friedhelm Debus, eds: Onomastik. Akten des 18. Internationalen Kongresses für Namenforschung. Trier. Band III, 112–19. Patronymica Romanica. Tübingen 1999: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Ferro-Tavares, Maria José. 1982. Os Judeus em Portugal no séc. XV. 2 vols. Lisboa: Universidade Nova
- Gal. = Ramon Onega, Jose. 1981. Los Judios en el Reino de Galicia. Madrid: Ed Nacional.
- HgNb = Piel, Joseph M. & Dieter Kremer. 1976. Hispano-gotisches Namenbuch (der Iberischen Halbinsel). Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
- Iria, J. Alberto. 1956. O Algarve e os Descobrimentos. 2 tomes. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.
- Jew. E. =The Jewish Encyclopedia (12vols.) ed by Isidore Singer 1901–06. New York: KTAV Publishing House.
- Judaism = The Encyclopedia of Judaism. Ed by G. Wigoder. Jerusalem: The Jerusalem Publishing House 1989.
- Lawson, Edwin D. 1991. “Most Common Jewish First Names in Israel.” Names 39: 103–26.
- Lawson, Edwin D., Ch. Kormos, and J. Ben Brit. 1992.“Most Common Surnames in Israel: Arabic and Jewish.” I & II. Onomastica Canadiana 74: 23–38 and 75–92.
- Lawson, Edwin D., and Irina Glushkovskaya. 1993. “Naming Patterns of Recent Russian Immigrants to Israel”. In Kremer, Dieter, and Friedhelm Debus, eds: Onomastik. Akten des 18. Internationalen Kongresses für Namenforschung. Trier. Band III, 150–166. Patronymica Romanica. Tübingen 1999: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Lopes, Joäo B. da Silva. 1891–94. Diccionario Postal e Chororaphico do Reino de Portugal. 3 vols. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.
- Lrf= Lyvro da Repartiçom da Fruita. P- 1450. Ms from Loulé H. M. Archives. (Ed in preparation).
- LvDesp = Livro da Receita e Despesa do Concelho. P-1450–51. Ms from Loulé Historical Municipal Archives.
- LvPag = Livro do Pagamento da Fruita. P- c.1480. Ms from Loulé Historical Municipal Archives.
- OED = Oxford English Dictionary. 1933, reimp. 1961 + Suppl. 1976–82. London: Clarendon.
- Roth, Cecil. 1931. A History of the Marranos. Portuguese translation. Porto: Liv. Civilizaçao Ed., 2001.
- Seph.. =, namelist, (reference to note nr.).
- TAAL -. Ramos, Francisco M. & Carlos A. Da Silva. 2002. Tratado das Alcunhas Alentejanas. Lisboa: Colibri.
- Tol. = Tello, Pilar Leon. 1979: Judios de Toledo. Tomo II: Inventario Cronologico de Documentos. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto B. A. Montano.
- Van Langendonck, Willy. 2007. Theory and Typology of Proper Names. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Ver. = Duarte, L. & alii. 1999/00 & 2004 (eds) Actas de Vereação de Loulé. Séculos XIV-XV. 2 vols. Loulé, Portugal: Arquivo Histórico Municipal.