Published 2010-09-01
Copyright (c) 2010 Maney Publishing

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AbstractIn her classic feminist treatise, A Room of One's Own (1929), Virginia Woolf creates both a sister and a creative equal for William Shakespeare and names her Judith. Historical, biblical, and literary sources establish the aptness of Woolf's onomastic decision, if not the definitive answer to the question posed. Shakespeare's daughter, Judith, and Woolf's niece, Judith, are considered as possible models for the Bard's sister. Additionally, the title character of the Old Testament “Book of Judith” and of the early English poem fragment Judith is examined as an onomastic source. Finally, Judith Shakespeare is considered as a pseudonym for Woolf herself.
- “Book of Judith.” 1966. New Jerusalem Bible. Ed. Alexander Jones. London: Doubleday.
- Briggs, Julia. 2005. Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life. London: Penguin.
- Briggs, Julia. 2006. “Virginia Woolf Reads Shakespeare.” Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 8–24.
- Bruns, J.E. 1967. “Judith.” New Catholic Encyclopedia Volume VIII. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America,43.
- Bruns, J.E. 1967. “Judith, Book of.” New Catholic Encyclopedia Volume VIII. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America,44–45.
- Campbell, Mike. 2009. “Judith.” Behind the Name: The Etymology and History of First Names. Available at: <> [accessed July 15 2009].
- Duncan-Jones, Katherine. 2001. Ungentle Shakespeare: Scenes from his Life. London: The Arden Shakespeare.
- Ferrante, Allyson Salinger. 2006. “The Feminist Fantastic: Uncovering What Was Hidden Within.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70: 27–28.
- Greer, Germaine. 2007. Shakespeare’s Wife. New York: HarperCollins.
- Judith. 1997. Ed. Mark Griffith. Exeter, Devon: Exeter University Press.
- “Judith.” 2009. CDFN. Concise Dictionary of First Names. Available at: <> [accessed July 15 2009].
- Kennedy, Charles W. 1961. Early English Christian Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Lee, Hermione. 1997. Virginia Woolf. New York: Vintage Books.
- West, Rebecca. 1967. “Autumn and Virginia Woolf.” Ending in Earnest: A Literary Log. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press.
- Woolf, Virginia. 1919. Night and Day. London: Harcourt.
- Woolf, Virginia. 1929. A Room of One’s Own. London: Harcourt.