Published 1953-06-01
Copyright (c) 1953 Maney

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- Albin, Eleazar 1738–1740. Ainatural history of birds. 3 vols. London. [Vols. 1–2 in 1738 and 3 in 1740.]
- Anburey, Thomas `1923. Travels through the interior parts of America. Boston. 2 vols. Comprises letters dated 1776 to 1781; originally published London 1789.
- Atwater, Caleb 1838. Aihistory of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati. 2nd edit. 407 pp.
- Audubon, John James 1827–1838. The birds of America. London. 4 vols, illus. Vol. 1, 1827–30; Vol. 2, 1831–34; Vol. 3, 1834–35; Vol. 4, 1835–38.
- Austin, Oliver Luther, Jr. 1932. “The birds of Newfoundland” Labrador. Mem. Nuttall Orn. Club, VII, 229 pp., 1 map.
- Barton, Benjamin Smith 1799. Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, xviii + 24 pp. Willughby Society reprint (London) 1883.
- Bartram, William 1792. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. London, xxiv + 520 pp.
- Bartram, William 1943. “Travel in Georgia and Florida 1773–1774”... Annotated by Francis Harper. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 33, pp. 121–242.
- Bartram, William 1913. “Bird migration. Records of William Bartram,” 1802–1822. Ed. by Witmer Stone. The Auk, 30, 1913, pp. 9–11.
- Belknap, Jeremy 1792. The History of New-Hampshire. Boston. Vol. 3, pp. 165–174.
- Beston, Henry 1929. The outermost house ... New York. 237 pp. illus.
- Beverley, Robert 1705. The history and present state of Virginia, etc. London. 308 pp.
- Birket, James. 1916.Some cursory remarks made by James Birket in his voyage to North America, 1750–1751. Yale University Press (New Haven, Conn.), vi + 74 pp.
- Bishop, William H. 1927. History of Roane County, West Virginia. Spencer, W. Va. 711 pp., illus.
- Blagden, Charles 1776–1780. Letters from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks on American natural history, etc. New York Public Library, Bui. 7(11), Nov. 1903, pp. 407–446.
- Bonaparte, Charles Lucien 1825–1833. American ornithology, etc. Philadelphia. 4 vols, illus. Vol. 1,1825; 2 and 3, 1828; and 4, 1833.
- Brasher, Rex 1929–1932. Birds and Trees of North America. Kent, Connecticut. 12 vols., illus.
- Burns, Frank L. 1900. “A monograph of the flicker.” Wilson Bui. (Oberlin, Ohio), N.S. 7 (2), April. Vernacular synonyms, pp. 3–12. ,
- Cartwright, George 1793. Aijournal of transactions and events during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador, etc. Newark, England. 3 vols, illus.
- Catesby, Mark 1730–1748. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, etc. London. 2 vols, and appendix, illus.
- Cheney, Simeon P. 1892. Wood notes wild. Notations of bird music. Boston, xiv + 261 pp., frontis. (portrait).
- Christy, Bayard H. ‘933-“Topsell’s ‘Fowles of Heauen.’ ” Auk, 51, pp. 275–283.
- Clayton, John 1693. “A letter from Mr. John Clayton ... 1688, giving an account of several observables in Virginia,” etc. London, Royal Soc. Philosophical'Trans. 17(201), pp. 781–789. Also available in Force, Peter, Tracts, Washington, 3, 1844, 45 pp.
- Coues, Elliott 1861. “Notes on the ornithology of Labrador.” Philadelphia Acad. Nat. Sei. Proc. 13, pp. 215–257.
- Coues, Elliott 1878. “Birds of the Colorado Valley.” U. S. Geol. Surv. Territories Misc. Publ. 11. Washington, D.C. Bibliographical appendix, p. 592.
- Coues, Elliott and D. W. Prentiss 1883.Avifauna Columbiana: being a list of birds... [of] the District of Columbia, etc. 2nd edition. National Museum, Washington, Bui. 26, 133 pp., illus.
- Cutler, Manasseh, in Cutler, William P., and Julia P. Cutler 1888. Life, journals, and correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler. 2 vols. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- De Kay, James 1844. Zoology of New York, etc. Part II. Birds. Albany, xii + 380 pp., illus.
- Denys, Nicolas 1908. The description and natural history of the coasts of North America. Transi, by W. Ganong. Toronto, Canada. The Champlain Society. 625 pp.
- Drayton, Michael 1613–1622. Poly-olbion or a chorographical description of Great Britain. London. Unpaged.
- Edwards, George 1743–1751. Ainatural history of birds. London. 4 vols, illus. Vol. 1, 1743; Vol. 2, 1747; Vol. 3, 1750; and Vol. 4, 1751.
- Edwards, George 1758. Gleanings of Natural History ... London. 108 pp., 50 col. pis.
- Ellis, Henry 1748. A voyage to Hudson’s-Bayi1746 and 1747, etc. London, xviii + 336 pp., illus.
- Forster, Johann Reinhold 1771. A Catalogue of the Animals of North America, etc. London. 43 pp.
- Forster, Johann Reinhold 1772. “An account of the Birds sent from Hudson’s Bay,” etc. London. Royal Soc. Philosophical Trans. 62(29), pp. 382–433.
- Forster, Thomas 1817. Observations on the Natural History of the Swallow-tribe ... London. 78 pp., illus.
- Fur, Fin and Feather 1875. Fur, Fin and Feather. A compilation of the Game Laws ... New York. An annual for many years.
- Glover, Thomas 1676. “An account of Virginia”... Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. No. 126, p. 623.
- Guthrie, J. E. 1928. Summer birds of an Iowa farm. State College (Ames) Extension Service Bui. 142, 23 pp., illus.
- Hausman, Leon A. 1944. The illustrated encyclopedia of American birds. New York, xix + 541 pp., illus.
- Hausman, Leon Augustus 1946. Field books of eastern birds. New York, xvi + 659 pp., illus.
- Hearne, Samuel 1796. A journey from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean ... 1769–1772. Dublin, xlix + 459 pp., illus.
- Herrick, Harold 1873.A partial Catalogue of the birds of Grand Manan, N. B. Bui. Essex Inst. 5, pp. 28–41.
- Howe, Reginald H., Jr. 1905. “Sir Charles Blagden, earliest of Rhode Island Ornithologists.” Amer. Nat. 39, pp. 397–404.
- Imlay, Gilbert 1797. A topographical description of the western territory of North America, etc. London. 3rd edit, xii + 626 pp. [Birds, pp. 280–282.]
- Jardine, William 1834–1836. The naturalist's library. London. 40 vols.
- Jefferson, Thomas 1782. Notes on the State of Virginia, etc. Paris. 391 pp. Available in numerous reprintings.
- Josselyn, John 1672. New-Englands Rarities discovered ... London. 114 pp.
- Josselyn, John 1674. Aniaccount of two voyages to New-England, etc. London. 282 pp. [Birds, pp. 95–108]
- Knight, Ora. 1908. The birds of Maine, etc. Bangor. 693 pp., illus.
- Lawson, John 1709. A new voyage to Carolina, etc. London. 258 pp. Birds, pp. [135–151]
- Lees, J. A., and W. J. Clutterbuck 1888. B. C. 1887. A ramble in British Columbia. London, viii + 387 pp., illus.
- Lewis, Meriwether, and Clark, W. 1814. History of the expeditionito the sources of the Missouri [and]... to the Pacific Ocean ... 1804–5–6. Philadelphia. 2 vols., maps.
- Libhart, J. J. 1844. “Birds of Lancaster County,” in Rupp, I. D., History of Lancaster County ... Pennsylvania, pp. 508–511.
- Macauley, James 1829. The natural, statistical and civil history of the State of New-York. Albany. Vol. 1. Birds pp. 436–440.
- Macmillan, Donald Baxter 1918. Four years in the white north. New York, x + 426 pp., illus.
- Martens, Friedrich 1694. The first part of the voyage into Spitzbergen and Greenlandi1671. London. 175 pp.
- Merrett, Christopher 1667. Pinax rerum naturalium britannicarum, etc. London. 255 pp. Birds, pp. 170–184.
- Mitchill, Singleton 1804. “Partial catalogue of the birds of New York,” etc. Medical Repository (New York), Second Hexade, Vol. 2, pp. 121–123.
- Montagu, George 1802. Ornithological dictionary, etc. London. 2 vols., illus. A Supplement in 1813 and various later editions.
- Morton, Thomas 1632. New English Canaan ... London. Reprint 1838.
- OED 1933. The Oxford English Dictionary ... Oxford, England. 13 vols.
- Pennant, Thomas 1785. Arctic zoology. Vol. 2, class 2. Birds. London, pp. 187–586 + 7, illus.
- Ray, John 1674. Collection of English words not generally used ... London, 161 pp.
- Reeks, Henry 1870. “Notes on the birds of Newfoundland.” Canadian Nat. and Quart. Journ. Sei., n.s., 5, pp. 38–47, 151–159, 289–304,406–416. Reprinted from The Zoologist.
- Samuels, Edward A. 1897. With rod and gun in New England and the Maritime Provinces. Boston. 519 pp., illus.
- Sibbald, Robert 1684. Scotia illustrata, etc. Edinburgh. Birds. 2(2), pp. 14–22.
- Smith, John 1624. The general historié of Virginia, etc. London. [14] + 105–248 pp., maps.
- Strachey, William 1849. The historié of travaile into Virginia Britannia, etc. 1618. Reprint, London, viii + xxxvi + 203 pp.
- Sutton, George M. 1932. The birds of Southampton Island. Carnegie Mus. (Pittsburgh, Pa.), Mem. 12, 2(2), 267 pp., illus.
- Swann, H. Kirke 1913. Anidictionary of English and folk-names of British birds, etc. London, xii + 266. pp.
- Townsend, Charles Wendell 1911. Captain Cartwright and his Labrador journal. Boston, xxviii + 385 pp., illus. The original was published in 1792; the period covered was 1770–1786.
- Trumbull, Gurdon 1888. Names and portraits of birds which interest gunners, etc. New York, viii + 221 pp., illus.
- Tunstall, Marmaduke 1771. Ornithologia Brittanica, etc. London, folio, 4 pp.
- Turner, William 1544. Turner on Birds ... first published ... 1544. Edited by A. H. Evans. Cambridge, England. 1903. xviii + 223 pp.
- Vancouver, George 1798. Aivoyage of discovery to the north Pacific Ocean and round the World, etc. London. 3 vols.
- Wayne, Arthur T. 1910. Birds of South Carolina. Charleston Mus., Contrib. 1, xxi + 254 pp.
- Whitbourne, Richard 1870. Westward hoe for Avalon in the New-found-land. London. 47 pp., illus. Original edition 1620; reprint 1622.
- Williamson, William D. 1832. The history of the State of Maine, etc. Hallowell, Me. 2 vols. Birds, Vol. 1, pp. 140–150.
- Willughby, Francis 1678. The ornithology of Francis Willughby. Translated and edited by John Ray. London. 12 + 441 + 6 pp., illus. The original in Latin was published in 1676.
- Wilson, Alexander 1808–1814. American ornithology, etc. Philadelphia. 9 vols., illus. Vol. 1, 1808; Vol. 2, 1810; Vols. 3–4, 1811; Vols. 5–6, 1812; Vol. 7, 1813; Vols. 8–9, 1814. There was a 2nd edit., Philadelphia, 3 vols., 1824–1828.
- Wood, William 1634. New Englands Prospect... London. 112 pp.