Research Article
Published 1987-12-01
Copyright (c) 1987 Maney

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- Relevant background works on Shakespeare’s language
- Abbott, E.A. 1894. A Shakespearian grammar. London, etc.: Macmillan. [See paragraphs 22 and 469 on the syntax and prosody of names.]
- Brook, G.L. 1976. The language of Shakespeare. London: André Deutsch. [Especially on some points of pronunciation.)
- Calderwood, J.L. 1979. Elizabethan naming. In his Metadrama in Shakespeare’s Henriad. Berkeley: University of California Press. [On the understanding of naming during the Renaissance. Cf. Donawerth 1984. There is some more general background discussion in his Shakespearean metadrama. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1971.]
- Cercignani, Fausto. 1981. Shakespeare’s works and Elizabethan pronunciation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Donawerth, Jane. 1984. “What is in that word?” The nature, history and powers of language. Chapter 1 of her Shakespeare and the sixteenth century study of language. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Pages 13–55. [Especially 25–31 on Shakespeare’s understanding of name-etymology in relation to the debate on natural signification.]
- Kökeritz, Helge. 1953. Shakespeare’s pronunciation. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. [Supersedes his study in Moderna sprik 43 (1949), 149–68.]
- Partridge, Eric H. 1947, 1955. Shakespeare’s bawdy. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; New York: Dutton. [Revised edition 1969.]
- Sugden, E.H. 1925. A topographical dictionary to the works of Shakespeare and his fellow dramatists. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Reprinted Hildesheim: Georg Olms (1969).]
- Section B
- Major commonly-consulted works on Shakespeare’s sources
- Bullough, Geoffrey. 1957–75. Narrative and dramatic sources of Shakespeare. 8 vols. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Chambers, Edmund K. 1930. William Shakespeare: a study of facts and problems. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Muir, Kenneth. 1957. Shakespeare’s sources I: comedies and tragedies. London: Methuen. [As is well known, volume II never materialized.]
- Stokes, Francis G. 1960. A dictionary of the characters and proper names in the works of Shakespeare. [Reprinted Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith,from edition of 1924.]
- Thomson, W.H. 1951. Shakespeare’s characters: a historical dictionary. New York: British Book Centre.
- Section C
- Specialized works on Shakespeare’s names and incidental relevant material
- Allen, Percy. 1936. Letter [about Griffin 1936]. Times Literary Supplement 18/7/1936, 600.
- Andrews, Michael Cameron. 1986. Fluellen; or Speedwell. Notes and Queries 33 (231), 354–56. [An allusion to be plucked by herbalists in the audience.]
- [anonymous]. 1876. Shakespeare’s [sic] Greek names. Cornhill Magazine 33, 206–16.
- Arnold, Matthew. 1864. The literary influence of academies. Cornhill Magazine 10, 154–72, esp. 167–68. [In rebuttal of Ruskin’s etymologies, or at least of their relevance to the plays.]
- Ashley, Leonard R.N., and Michael J.F. Hanifin. 1979. Onomasticon of Roman anthropo- nyms (part II): explication and application. Shakespeare’s handling of Roman names. Names 27, 1–45 [esp. 9–20]. [Cf. Hanifin-Winthrop 1980.]
- Babcock, C. Merton. 1951. An analogue for the name Othello. Notes and Queries 196, 575. [Cf. Lee 1961, Sipahigil 1971, Fleissner 1978, Coates forthcoming. On a ?source adduced by Steevens.]
- Baker, Arthur E. .1938. A Shakespeare commentary, vol. 1. Taunton: the author. [Not seen; said by Gordon Ross Smith in his bibliography to be relevant to the topic.]
- Baker, C.P. 1975. Salerio, Solanio, Salarino and salario. Names 23, 56–57. [Rather laboured and perhaps overinterpreted but essentially convincing.]
- Barton, Anne. Said in 1986 to be forthcoming. Comedy and the naming of parts. Toronto: Toronto University Press and Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Revision of the 1983 Alexander Lectures.)
- Bate, A. Jonathan. 1982. An herb by any other name: Romeo and Juliet, IV.iv.5–6. Shakespeare Quarterly 33, 336. [Disputes Ferguson and Yachnin 1981.]
- Brennan, J.H. 1943. Nerissa’s name. American Notes and Queries 3, 88.
- Browne, C.E. 1876. Notes on Shakespeare’s names I, II and HI. Athenaeum 2543, 112–13; 2544, 147–48; 2553, 432–33. [These essays stand up extraordinarily well even after a century, anticipating much later works on some points.]
- Byrne, M. St.C. 1934. The social background. In A companion to Shakespeare studies, edited by H. Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison, 187–210. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Comment (192) on incongruities of character-naming in relation to the location of the plays.]
- C., T.C. 1946. London’s place-names and men of letters (2): Shakespeare and Addison. Notes and Queries 190, 12–13. [A trifle on Shakespeare in street-names. Better in John Field’s (1984) Place-names of Greater London. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.]
- Candido, J. 1984. The name of the king: Hal’s ‘titles’ in the Henriad. Texas Studies in Language and Literature 26, 61–73. [Discusses Hal’s apparent preoccupation with the subject.]
- Champion, Larry S. 1968. Shakespeare’s ‘Nell.’ Names 16, 357–61. [Reprinted in Harder 1986, 203–7.]
- Coates, Richard. 1976. A personal name etymology and a Shakespearean dramatic motiv. Names 24, 1–8. [Cym: Imogen (and Posthumus); cf. Nitze 1956.]
- Coates, Richard. 1986. Dogberry and Verges as a pair in Much Ado about Nothing. Names 34, 236–37. [Anticipated by Browne 1876 III and notes to Arden MAAN. ‘Discovery’ seems to have been made three times independently.]
- Coates, Richard. 1987. A provincial bibliography on names in the works of Shakespeare. Names 35, 206–22.
- Coates, Richard. Forthcoming. Othello’s name yet again. Names. [Cf. Lee 1961, Sipahigil 1971, Fleissner 1978.]
- Corballis, R.P. 1984. The name Antonio in English Renaissance drama. Cahiers élisabéthàins 25, 61–72. [Includes the instances in MAAN, TGV, MOV, TN and Temp. Cf. Scragg 1985.]
- Davis, Norman. 1977. Falstaff’s name. Shakespeare Quarterly 28, 513–15. [Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Dawson, R. MacG. 1987. But why Enobarbus? Notes and Queries 34 (232), 216–17. [Allusion to theatrical tradition of red beards for the treacherous.]
- Doran, M. 1976. What should be in that ‘Caesar’? Proper names in Julius Caesar. In her Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 120–53. [On the use of names rather than on their genesis.]
- Eccles, Mark. 1953. Review of Texas Studies in English 30 (1951). [Including Law 1951. He notes anticipations by Brown 1876 and Erler 1913.]
- Erler, E. 1913. Die Namengebung bei Shakespeare. Heidelberg doctoral dissertation. Enlarged version appeared as Anglistische Arbeiten 2. Reviewed by Förster, q.v. [Kökeritz 1950 calls it “fairly adequate.”]
- Feihler, R. 1955. How Oldcastle became Falstaff. Modern Language Quarterly 16, 16–28. [On the history of scholarship about this name-change. Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Ferguson, Liane, and Paul Yachnin. 1981. The name of Juliet’s nurse. Shakespeare Quarterly 32, 95–96. [They claim that an emendation is needed; Angelica is a ghost-name; contrast Bate 1982.]
- Fleissner, R.F. 1966. A key to the name Shylock. American Notes and Queries 4, 52–54. [Possible references to historical personages; most implausible.]
- Fleissner, R.F. 1974. Lear’s learned name. Names 22, 183–84. [Cordelia, Lear, Iago, Desdemona; full of puns and anagrams. Does not convince.]
- Fleissner, R.F. 1978. The Moor’s nomenclature. Notes and Queries 223, 143. [Cf. Lees 1961, Sipahigil 1971, Coates 1986a.]
- Fleissner, R.F. 1982. ‘Arden and ... Merry’/Mary Arden: calling on Shakespeare’s mother in As You Like It. Marianum 44, 171–77. [A supposed allusion to Mary Arden in 1.i.107–8.]
- Ford, J.E. 1982. Barnardine’s nominal nature in Measure for Measure. Papers in Language and Literature 18, 77–81. [Etymology appropriate to character.]
- Forster, M. 1914. Review of Erler 1913. Shakespeare-Jahrbücher 50, 194–98.
- Gasper, Julia, and Carolyn Williams. 1986. The meaning of the name ‘Hermione.’ Notes and Queries 33 (231), 367. [Play on herma ‘statue of saint.’ Pretty far-fetched.]
- Gollancz, Israel. 1916. Bits of timber: some observations on Shakespearean names - ‘Shy- lock.’ ‘Polonius’; ‘Malvolio.’ In his edited collection A book of homage to Shakespeare, 170–78. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [On certain possible sources in Shakespeare’s reading or in common ideas derived from contemporary books. Shylock not convincing; other two are.]
- Gordon, D.J. 1964. Name and fame: Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. In Papers mainly Shakespearian, edited by G.I. Duthie, 40–58. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd [esp. 51–54.]
- Granville-Barker, Harley. 1930. i Corry-ols, Corry-o-les or Cori-o-les; Corry-o-lanus or Cori-o-lanus? In Preface to Coriolanus. Reprinted in Prefaces to Shakespeare, e.g. volume II of Batsford edition of 1958, 297–99. [On the pronunciation of the name Coriolanus itself and problems of versification.]
- Gray, A.K. 1924. The secret of Love’s Labour’s Lost. PMLA 39, 581–611. [Includes speculation on the choice of names for certain characters, 591ff.]
- Green, W. 1972. Humours characters and attributive names in Shakespeare’s plays. Names 20, 157–65. [Especially MWW, 2HyIV, AYLI, TN; relates the names to-the current fashion for characterization by the four humours. Reprinted in Harder 1986, 208–16.]
- Green, W. 1980. Shakespeare’s use of names for his humours characters. In Pubs, placenames and patronymics: selected papers of the Names Institute, edited by E. W. McMullen, 264. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Names Institute. [Summary of conference papers of 1971; see also Green 1972.]
- Griffin, W.J. 1936. Names in The Winter’s Tale. Times Literary Supplement 6/6/1936, 480. [See also Allen 1936.]
- Hanifin-Winthrop, M. 1980. The names in Shakespeare’s Roman plays and Jonson’s tragedies and ‘The Poetaster.’ In McMullen (see Green 1980), 276. [Summary of conference paper of 1978. Shakespeare’s understanding or otherwise of the Roman system of naming. Cf. Ashley and Hanifin 1979.]
- Harbage, A. 1963. William Shakespeare - a reader’s guide. New York: Octagon. [Esp. 76–77 on the use of names and titles in the histories.]
- Harder, K.B., comp. 1986. Names and their varieties: a collection of essays in onomastics. New York: Lanham/London: UP America. [Contains reprints of Champion 1968, Green 1975, Kellogg 1955b.]
- Herbert, T.W. 1954. The naming of Falstaff. Emory University Quarterly 10, 1–11. [Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Hill, Christopher. 1979. Review of Levith 1978. New Statesman 9/2/1979, 188.
- Hotson, Leslie. 1952. Shakespeare’s motley. London: Hart-Davis. [88–89 [Lavatch]; 115–16 [Touchstone]; 120–22 [Topas]; 122 [Jaques].]
- Hotson, Leslie. 1954. The first night ofi‘Twelfth Night.’ London/New York: Macmillan. [Especially 13ff. [Orsino - from a historical person]; 108 [Malvolio; pun on name of Mall Fitton - pretty doubtful if ingenious]; 115 [Aguecheek, from the Spanish - amazingly farfetched].]
- Jackson, MacDonald P. 1975. North’s Plutarch and the name ‘Escanes’ in Shakespeare’s ‘Pericles.’ Notes and Queries 220, 173–4. [From Æschines.]
- Jones, W.M. 1960. Shakespeare as William in As You Like It. Shakespeare Quarterly 11, 128–31. [The title explains itself.]
- Jorgensen, Paul A. 1950. My name is Pistol call’d. Shakespeare Quarterly 1, 73–75. Reprinted in the author’s Redeeming Shakespeare’s words (1962), Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 70–74. [Redeems the obvious interpretation of Pistol’s name.]
- Kane, Robert J. 1953. Richard du Champ in Cymbeline. Shakespeare Quarterly 4, 206. [Claims an allusion to Richard Field.]
- Kay, D.C. 1984. A Spenserian source for Shakespeare’s Claribel? Notes and Queries 229, 217. [From Faerie Queen into Temp.]
- Kellogg, Allen B. 1955a. Place-names and epithets in Homer and Shakespeare. Names 3, 169–71.
- Kellogg, Allen B. 1955b. Nicknames and nonce-names in Shakespeare’s comedies. Names 3, 1–4. [Reprinted in Harder 1986, 41–44.]
- Keyishian, H. 1984. An interview with P. Barry. Bulletin of the New York Shakespeare Society 2, 7–9. [Barry discusses the name Othello in passing.]
- Knight, G. Wilson. 1958. What’s in a name? In the author’s The sovereign flower, London: Methuen, 161–201. [A good deal of empty woolgathering in a tradition which provides few points of entry for the outsider. Sample: “Of Yorick all I can say is that it fits.”]
- Kökeritz, Helge 1950. Punning names in Shakespeare. Modern Language Notes 65, 240–43. [Coins, Pistol, Quickly, Tearsheet. Cf. Kolin 1980.]
- Kökeritz, Helge 1966. Shakespeare’s names: a pronouncing dictionary. New Haven: Yale University Press. See also 1953 text. [Often considered authoritative, but see now Cercignani 1981 in Section A above.]
- Kolin, Philip C. 1980. The names of whores and their bawds and panders in English Renaissance drama. Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore 6, 41–50. [Including those in Shakespeare. Cf. Kökeritz 1950.]
- Kolin, Philip C. 1982. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, 1.ii.34–101. The Explicator 40, 12–13. [On the guest-list read by Romeo; references to lovers and plotters in other literary works.]
- Koszul, A. 1937. Ariel. English Studies 19, 200–4. [Historical accounts of the name.]
- Law, Robert Adger. 1943. The Roman background of Titus Andronicus. Studies in Philology A0, 145–53. [Plutarch’s Life of Scipio for TA.]
- Law, Robert Adger. 1951. On certain proper names in Shakespeare. Texas Studies in English 30, 61–65. [Especially in relation to MFM; Plutarch for TO A, MND, WT; Orlando Furioso for AYLI; anagrams in TN.]
- Lees, F.N. 1961. Othello’s name. Notes and Queries 206, 139–41. [Cf. Sipahigil 1971, Fleissner 1978, Coates 1986a.]
- Lees, F.N. 1978. Plutarch and The Winter’s Tale. Notes and Queries. 223, 161–62.
- Levin, Harry. 1965. Shakespeare’s nomenclature. In Essays on Shakespeare, edited by G.W. Chapman, 49–90. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [Reprinted in the author’s Shakespeare and the revolution of the times, New York: Oxford University Press, 51–77.] [Rather desultory wander through the field at a rather general level. Some remarks on the use of names; some muted criticism of earlier work (sometimes mis-cited).]
- Levith, Murray J. 1976. Juliet’s question and Shakespeare’s names. In the author’s edited collection Renaissance and modern: essays in honor of Edwin M. Moseley. Saratoga Springs, NY: Skidmore College. [Reprinted in its essence as Chapter 1 of Levith 1978.]
- Levith, Murray J. 1978. What’s in Shakespeare’s names. Hamden, CT: Archon Books and London/Sydney: George Allen and Unwin. Reviewed by Hill, Litt, Stewart, Tetzeli von Rosadur, and Vest, q.v. For other, later, reviews, see Shakespeare Quarterly Bibliographies in vols. 34, 5 (280) and 35, 6 (287). [The only relatively complete work on the topic of the names as such, but regrettably often rather superficial, uncritical, given to flights of fancy in defiance of philological plausibility and relying on weak verbal associations.] i
- Lewalski, Barbara. 1970. Hero’s name and namesake in Much Ado about Nothing. English Language Notes 7, 175–79. [Convincing on an unsuspected source in Chapman’s continuation of Marlowe’s Hero and Leander.]
- Litt, Dorothy E. 1979. Review of Levith 1978. American Reference Books Annual 10, 616–17.
- Lower, Mark Antony. 1850. The name of Shylock. Notes and Queries 1 (12), 184.
- Macey, S.L. 1978. The naming of the protagonists in Shakespeare’s “Othello.” Notes and Queries 223, 143–45. [Iago is taken from Holinshed; contrast Murphy 1964.]
- Maclean, Hugh. 1977. Bassanio’s name and nature. Names 25, 55–62. [Cf. Nathan 1986a.]
- Malone, Kemp. 1922. The literary history of Hamlet: the early tradition. New York: Haskell House, reprint 1964, 52–58. [Suggested etymology for Amlóoi (= Hamlet) in Ambalessaga ‘mad Ole.’ For why, cf. also 184–88.]
- Malone, Kemp. 1957. Meaningful fictive names in English literature. Names 5, 1–13. [Various names in TN: Belch, Aguecheek, Feste, Malvolio. Contrast Hotson 1954.]
- Marcotte, P.J. 1982. Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well, Lines 2017–2018. The Explicator 41, 6–9. [On Violenia/Diana.]
- Markey, Thomas L. 1982. Lear and his daughters. Beiträge zur Namenforschung (New Series) 17, 56–62. [On the Indo-European background of the names; actually on the names as in Geoffrey of Monmouth, but obviously relevant.]
- Maxwell, J.C. 1967. The name of Brutus. Notes and Queries 212, 136. [Shakespeare knew the meaning of Latin brutus.]
- McDavid, Raven I., Jr. 1981–2. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are alive and prospering. Modern Philology 79, 400–2. [On the historicity of the two families whose names are used.]
- McDonell, H.M. 1970. A study of the names of characters in Shakespearean comedy. Rutgers University dissertation. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (1971), 4128A-4129A. [Dissertation not seen.]
- McGuire, J. 1984. Giddy on the stairs: As You Like It and the duplicities of thought. CEA Critic 47, 38–57. [Two theories of naming are discussed with their relevance to Shakespeare’s namegiving.]
- McPeek, J.A.S. 1946. The genesis of Caliban. Philological Quarterly 25, 378–83. [Cf. Browne 1876 III.]
- Monaghan, James. 1921. Falstaff and his forebearers. Studies in Philology 17, 352–61. [Tangential mention of the Oldcastle/Falstaff problem.]
- Moore, J.R. 1938. ‘Much Ado about Nothing’: Seacole. Notes and Queries 174, 60–61. [On its relation to a London street-name.]
- Muir, Kenneth. 1956. Shakespeare and Erasmus. Notes and Queries 201, 424. [Funus as a name-source for MFM.]
- Murphy, G.N. 1964. A note on Iago’s name. In Literature and society, edited by B. Slote, 38–43. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. [Contrast Macey 1978.]
- Musgrove, S. 1956. The nomenclature of King Lear. Review of English Studies 7, 294–98. [On the English names; they are taken from Camden’s Remaines.]
- Nathan, Norman. 1948. Three notes on The Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare Association Bulletin 23, 152–73. [Rare Early Modern English and dialect words suggest Shylock an epithet, not a name; fanciful.]
- Nathan, Norman. 1957. Balthasar, Daniel and Portia. Notes and Queries 202, 334–35.
- Nathan, Norman. 1986a. Bassanio’s name. American Notes and Queries 24, 129–31. [Fairly sceptical - or cautious - on all current etymological attempts. Cf. Maclean 1977.]
- Nathan, Norman. 1986b. Osric’s name, and Oswald’s. Names 34, 234–5. [Inconclusive on Latinate vs. English etymology.]
- Nathan, Norman. 1986c. Portia, Nerissa and Jessica - their names. Names 34, 425–29. [Cf. Brennan 1943, Nathan 1957. Relatively substantial discussion.]
- Nitze, W.A. 1956. On the derivation of Old French Enygeus (Welsh Innogen, Shakespeare Imogen). Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 46, 40–42. [Actually irrelevant to Imogen; see Coates 1976.]
- Oelrich, W. 1911. Die Personennamen in den elisabethanischen Dramen Englands. Kiel doctoral dissertation. [Cited in an incorrect form by Levith 1978; I have taken the correct citation from W. Ebisch and L.L. Schticking’s Shakespeare Bibliography (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930); I have not been able to ascertain its relevance.]
- Oliver, L.M. 1947. Sir John Oldcastle: Legend or literature? The Library (Fifth Series) 1, 179–83. [Including reference to the Oldcastle/Falstaff problem.]
- Perrett, W. 1904. The story of King Lear from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Shakespeare (= Palaestra 25). [Shows Geoffrey to be the originator of the whole tradition.]
- Pineton, Clara L. de, comtesse de Chambrun. 1921. Giovanni Florio: un apôtre de la Renaissance en Angleterre à l’époque de Shakespeare. Paris. [Originator of the wretched anagrammatical theory that Holofernes (LLL) = Florio (167).)
- Rea, John A. 1984. The linguistic confrontation of Macbeth and Macduff. Names 32, 102–3. [Rather obvious point forcefully made.)
- Rea, John A. 1986. Iago. Names 34, 97–98. [On the evil overtones of the name.)
- Ronan, C.J. 1981. The onomastics of Shakespeare’s work with classical setting. Literary Onomastics Studies 8, 47–69. [Not seen. Shakespeare Quarterly Bibliography 33, 5 (269) abstracts as follows: “Shows need for more careful onomastic study of sources for Shakespeare’s Greek and Latin place-names.”]
- Ruskin, John. 1862/3. Notes in Fraser’s Magazine (December 742–56 and April 441–62). Reprinted to paragraph 134 of the author’s Munera pulveris in The works of John Ruskin, vol. 17, edited by E.T. Cook and A. Wedderburn. London: George Allen, 1905. [Forgettable Greek philology.)
- Salingar, L.G. 1955. Messaline in Twelfth Night. Times Literary Supplement 3/6/1955, 301.
- Sarrazin, G. 1895. Der Name Ophelia. Englische Studien 21, 443–46. [From the name of County Offaly, Ireland!]
- Satin, J. 1972. The symbolic role of Cordelia in King Lear. Forum (Houston) 9, 15–17. [Much given to anagrams invoking Scève’s Délie.]
- Schieiner, W. 1983. Orsino and Viola: are the names of serious characters in Twelfth Night meaningful? Shakespeare Studies, 16, 135–41. [Yes, thanks to Renaissance astronomy and herbal medicine.)
- Schieiner, W. 1985. Imaginative sources for Shakespeare’s Puck. Shakespeare Quarterly 36, 65–68. [Shakespeare’s use of the name in relation to other literary uses.]
- Schönfeld, S.J. 1979. A Hebrew source for ‘The Merchant of Venice’ [translated and abridged by Y. Radday). Shakespeare Survey 32, 115–28. [An essay written in the ... 1930s and hitherto unpublished, in which state it should have remained; especially on Portia, Bellario, Bassanio, Gobbo(, Shylock); outrageous etymologies, if that is what they are supposed to be.]
- Scoufos, Alice L. 1966. The “martyrdom” of Falstaff. Shakespeare Studies 2, 174–92. [On the Oldcastle/Falstaff problem. Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below. Cf. also Gobbo on 311–12.]
- Scoufos, Alice L. 1968. Nashe, Jonson and the Oldcastle problem. Modern Philology 65, 307–24. [Self-explanatory title. Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.)
- Scoufos, Alice L. 1969. Harvey: a name-change in Henry IV. English Literary History 36, 297–318. [Review of the literature on various name-changes in the play. W. Harvey = Southampton’s mother’s third husband.]
- Scragg, Leah. 1985. The Shakespearian ‘Antonio.’ English Language Notes 22, 8–19. [Character similarities among the various Antonios as distinct from Antonys. Cf. Cor- ballis 1984.]
- Sennewaid, Charlotte. 1936. Die Namengebung bei Dickens, eine Studie über Lautsymbolik ( = Palaestra 203). [Section on ‘Namen bei Shakespeares Nebenpersonen,’ 14–21.]
- Sipahigil, T. 1971. Othello’s name, once again. Notes and Queries 216, 147–48. [Cf. Lees 1961, Fleissner 1978, Coates 1986a.]
- Smidt, K. 1983. Some provisional views on the ideal translation of Shakespeare for use by and in the theatre. Shakespeare Translation 9, 1–5. [Includes notes on the problems of translating characters’ names.]
- Smith, Gordon Ross. 1963. A classified Shakespeare bibliography, 19S6–1958. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. [Entries A5385-A5403 cover proper names. Insofar as they are accurate, they are subsumed in this bibliography.]
- Spencer, T. 1954. Three Shakespearean notes. 1. The vile name of Demetrius. 2. Old John Naps of Greece. Modern Language Review 49, 46–48, 48–49. [Demetrius as a stock name, from North’s Plutarch (Theseus); surely correct. History of speculation on Naps and justification of the earliest text; conclusion farfetched.]
- Starnes, DeWitt T. 1955. Acteon’s dogs. Names 3, 19–25. [Dog-names in MWW, Macb from Golding’s Ovid.]
- Stewart, J.I.M. 1979. Review of Levith 1978. Encounter 53, 61–67.
- Stillman, F. 1980. Falstaffs name. In McMullen (see Green 1980), 269. [Summary of conference paper of 1S74. Pun on Shakespeare claimed, not for the first time by a long way. Cf. also next item.]
- Stroud, T.A. 1984. Shake-Speare, Fal-Staff and Hot-Spur. Iowa State Journal of Research 58, 329–34. [These names are supposedly phallic; not a new theory. See Reaney 1967 in Section D below.]
- Stroup, T.P. 1978. Bottom’s name and his epiphany. Shakespeare Quarterly 29, 79–82. [Alleges a biblical source, not as commonly supposed a technical term from weaving; contrast Willson 1979, more convincing.]
- Swaen, A.E.H. 1895. Caliban. Englische Studien, 21, 326–28. [From the Romani word for ‘blackness’? “Adapted from the Dutch of Dr. A. Kluyver, Tijdschrift voor nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 14, 1 (1895).”]
- Tannenbaum, Samuel A. 1940. The names in As You Like It. Shakespeare Association Bulletin 15, 255–56. [Contains utterly overblown opinions about Shakespeare’s command of etymology; contrast Law 1951.]
- Taylor, G. 1982. Humfrey Hower. Shakespeare Quarterly 33, 95–97. [Person mentioned in Richard III; emend to Hewer.]
- Taylor, G. 1985. The fortunes of Oldcastle. Shakespeare Survey38, 85–100. [Full restatement of the case for Sir John Oldcastle as the original Falstaff, and the political consequences of this. Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Tetzeli von Rosadur, Karl. 1982. Review of Levith 1978. Shakespeare-Jahrbücher (Heidelberg) 117, 250.
- Tobin, J.J.M. 1978. On the name Ophelia. American Notes and Queries 16, 134–35. [Adapted from Apheleia in Jonson’s Cynthia’s revels?]
- Tobin, J.J.M. 1980. New sources for As You Like It. English Language Notes 17, 172–75. [From Nashe.]
- Tobin, J.J.M. 1981. Nashe and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Notes and Queries 226, 122–23. [Character names from Have with you to Saffron-Walden.]
- Tobin, J.J.M. 1984. Nomenclature and the dating of Titus Andronicus. Notes and Queries 229, 186–87. [Source in Nashe’s Christ’s tears over Jerusalem (1593).]
- Tompkins, J.M.S. 1952. Why Pericles? Review of English Studies (New Series) 3, 315–24. [Esp. 322–24. Derives Pericles from North’s Plutarch.]
- Vest, E.B. 1979. Review of Levith 1978. Names 27, 270.
- von Baeske, W. 1905. Oldcastle-Falstaff in der englischen Literatur bis zu Shakespeare. Palaestra 50, 1–119. [Contains speculation that name changed on aesthetic grounds. Contrast Scoufos 1966, Taylor 1985, and many others mentioned in reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Weekley, Ernest. 1932. Words and names. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press (reprint 1971). [Page 33 discusses some connotations of character names. Chapter 13 explores the meaning of the playwright’s own surname, for which see also Levith 1978, final chapter, and R. Schützeichel (1983), Shakespeare und Verwandtes, with the substantial body of references therein, as given in Section D of this bibliography.]
- Williams, G.W. 1979. Second thoughts on FalstafFs name. Shakespeare Quarterly 30, 82–84. [Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Willson, R.F., Jr. 1975. Fastolf or Falstaff. English Literary Renaissance 5, 308–12. [Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index below.]
- Willson, R.F., Jr. 1976. Falstaff in Henry IV: what’s in a name? Shakespeare Quarterly 27, 199–200. [Cf. the Falstaff sequence in the reference-index, Appendix 1 below.]
- Willson, R.F., Jr. 1979. God’s secrets and Bottom’s name: a reply. Shakespeare Quarterly 30, 407–8. [Contrast Stroup 1978.]
- Wilson, J.D. 1945. The origins and development of Shakespeare’s Henry TV. The Library (Fourth Series) 26, 2–16. [Includes name-change material.]
- Wray, W.R. 1980. You, Claudius: an anatomy of a name. Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 6 (1), 78–94. [Etymology appropriate to character.]
- Section D
- The name Shakespeare: selected literature and debate
- Baldwin, T.W. 1975. Shakspere, Shakespere, Shakespeare. In Literatur als Kritik des Lebens: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Ludwig Borinski, edited by R. Haas, H.-J. Müllenbrock, and E. Uhlig, 52–62. Heidelberg: Quelle und Meyer.
- Birmingham Shakespeare Library. 1971. A Shakespeare bibliography. London: Mansell. [Some early items not otherwise mentioned in the present bibliography can be found in Series 1, vol. II, 817–18 and Series 2, vol. V, 1403–4. They do not look interesting.]
- Chambers, Edmund K. 1930. William Shakespeare: A study of facts and problems II. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Especially Appendix E, ‘The name Shakespeare,’ 354–76.]
- Cox, Jane. 1985. Shakespeare’s will and signatures. In Shakespeare in the public records, edited by D. Thomas., 24–35. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, for the Public Record Office. [Especially 33–34 on the signatures.]
- Elze, K. 1870. Die Schreibung des Namens Shakespeare. Shakespeare—Jahrbücher 5, 325–32. [See also Appendix 1 to his William Shakespeare. Halle an der Saale: Niemeyer (1876).]
- E.W. 1935. Shakespeare as a personal name. Notes and Queries 169, 317. [Initiates the debate between Ewen and Welby; see references below.]
- Ewen, C. L’E. (1936a) The name “Shakespeare.” Baconiana 22, 171–85. [Revival of the Norman-origin theory.]
- Ewen, C. L’E. 1936b. The name Shakespeare. Notes and Queries 171, 187–88. [As the previous item.]
- Ewen, C. L’E. 1936c. The name Shakespeare: Saxby. Notes and Queries 171, 281–82. [The names appear to be partly interchangeable, pace Welby.]
- Haney, J.L. 1906. The name of William Shakespeare: a study in orthography. Philadelphia: Egerton. [Reprinted 1969. Pages 6–11 summarize the depressing earlier literature.]
- Hoops, Johannes. 1941. Shakespeares Name und Herkunft. Heidelberg: Winter. [Discusses the superseded literature on 23–25.]
- Jones, W.M. 1960. See entry in Section C above.
- Koch, Chr. Fr. 1865. Shakespeare’s name. Jahrbuch fur romanische und englische Literatur 6, 322–26.
- Levith, Murray J. 1978. See entry in Section C above. [The final chapter deals with Shakespeare’s surname.]
- Lewis, B. Roland. 1940. The Shakespeare documents. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [Over one hundred spellings of the surname are recorded, an “improvement” over the eighty-three noted by Chambers 1930.]
- Madden, Sir Frederic. 1838. Observations on the autograph of Shakspere and the orthography of his name. Archaeologica 27, 113–23. [Reprinted London: T. Rood, 1838.]
- Reaney, Percy H. 1967. The origin of English surnames. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [Suggests on 292, note 1, that the name is of phallic origin.]
- Schützeichel, Rudolf. 1982. Shakespeare und Verwandtes. In Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Karl Schneider, edited by E.S. Dick and K.R. Jankowsky. Münster. [Schützeichel’s peculiar interest arises from the parallel syntax of his own surname.]
- Schützeichel, Rudolf. 1983. Shakespeare und Verwandtes. Schriftenreihe der Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster 7: Natur, Religion, Sprache, Universität. Universitätsvorträge 1982/3, 103–26. [A revised version of Schützeichel 1982. The notes give references to the voluminous literature on syntactically similar names in German.)
- Seltén, Bo. 1969. Early East-Anglian nicknames, ‘Shakespeare names.’ Lund: Gleerup. (On the structure-type; lots of guesswork as to particular applications. Cf. esp. Schützeichel 1982, 1983.)
- Weekley, Ernest. 1916. Surnames. London: John Murray. [Pages 252–70 on this topic,expanding 204–6 of his The romance of names. London: John Murray.)
- Weekley, Ernest. 1932. Words and names. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press (reprint 1971). [Chapter 13 on this topic.)
- Welby, Sir A. 1935. Shakespeare as a personal name. Notes and Queries 169, 277.
- Welby, Sir A. 1936. The name Shakespeare: Saxby. Notes and Queries 171, 230–31. [In this piece and the last, Welby rejects Ewen’s view that the name has to do with Saxbyr i.e. Saque-espeée ‘draw-sword.’)