Research Article
The Terminology of Name Studies (In Margine of Adrian Room's Guide to the Language. of Name Studies)
Published 1998-09-01
Copyright (c) 1998 Maney

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AbstractThe Guide to the Language of Name Studies is briefly reviewed and. the terminological system presented there is compared with that of the earlier Osnoven Sistem. Observations are made on the terminology found in recent onomastic work, particularly that appearing in Name Studies.
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- Room, Adrian. 1996. An Alphabetical Guide to the Language of Name Studies. Lanham, MD, and London: The Scarecrow Press.
- Zgusta, Ladislav. 1995 [1996]. Systematickâ Terminologie Onomastiky (A systematic Terminology of Name Studies). Acta onomastica 36: 262–272.
- Zgusta, Ladislav. 1996. Names and their Study. Eichler, et al. #289.