Published 2001-03-01
Copyright (c) 2001 Maney

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AbstractA number offield names identified during the 1940s in surveys of the place names of southeast Scotland could not at that time convincingly be explained. Some, however, have doublets or close parallels in England, where major advances have been made in the understanding of minor toponyms during the last half century. As Field (1989, 31) comments, “the repertoire of names is remarkably similar across national frontiers;” this means that comparative evidence from south of the present Scottish/ English border is likely to be relevant to interpreting some Scottish names. Here I reexamine a number of problematic field names from the Scottish counties of Midlothian and West Lothian in the light of recent work on English place names.
- Cameron, Kenneth. 1996. English Place Names. New ed. London: Batsford.
- Dixon, Norman. 1947. The Placenames of Midlothian. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Edinburgh.
- Cox, Barrie. 1994. The Place-Names of Rutland. (English Place-Name Survey 67/69) Nottingham: English Place-Name Society.
- Cox, Barrie. 1998. The Place-Names of Leicestershire. Part One: The Borough of Leicester. (English Place-Name Survey 75) Nottingham: English Place-Name Society.
- Field, John. 1972. English Field-Names: A Dictionary. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
- Field, John. 1975. "Size and Shape in English Field-Nomenclature." Names 23: 6–25.
- Field, John. 1986. Compliment and Commemoration in English Field-Names, 2nd ed. Hemel Hempstead: Dacorum College.
- Field, John. 1987. "Crops for Man and Beast." Leeds Studies in English 18: 157–71.
- Field, John. 1989. "Human Life and Activities Reflected in English Field-Names." Names 37: 31–50.
- Field, John. 1993. A History of English Field-Names. London: Longman.
- Fransson, Gustav. 1935. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100-1350. Lund: Gleerup.
- Gelling, Margaret. 1953-54. The Place-Names of Oxfordshire. 2 vols. (English Place-Name Survey 23–24) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Gelling, Margaret. 1973-76. The Place-Names of Berkshire. 3 vols. (English Place-Name Survey 49–51) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Harris, Stuart. 1996. The Place Names of Edinburgh: Their Origins and History. Edinburgh: Gordon Wright.
- Hough, Carole. 1999. "The Trumpeters of Bemersyde: A Scottish Placename Reconsidered." Names 47: 257–68.
- Hough, Carole. 2001. "Clock Croft." Notes and Queries 48 (forthcoming).
- Macdonald, Angus. 1941. The Place-Names of West Lothian. Edinburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd.
- Nicolaisen, W. F. H. 1976. Scottish Place-Names: Their Study and Significance. London: Batsford.
- Schneider, Joan. 1997. Field-Names of Four Bedfordshire Parishes: Tilsworth, Eggington, Hockliffe, Stanbridge. (E.P.N.S. Field-Name Studies 3) Nottingham: English Place-Name Society.
- Smith, A. H. 1966-67. The Place-Names of Westmorland. 2 vols. (English Place-Name Survey 42–43) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Waugh, Doreen J. 1998. "Settlement Names in the South-West: Dumfries and Galloway." Scottish Language 17: 40–54.
- Wright, Joseph. 1898-1905. The English Dialect Dictionary. 6 vols. London: Henry Frowde.
- Recent Theses and Dissertations of Onomastic Interest
- Gilbert, Robert John. The Relative Communications Effectiveness of Composite Brand Name Strategies. Dissertation, U of Pittsburgh, 1997. "[Combined] brand names are more readily noticed, generate more information processing, and result in greater recall-relative to traditional [single] brand names."
- Nieminen, Anna. The Cultural Politics of Place Naming in Quebec: Toponymie Negotiation and Struggle in Aboriginal Territories. Dissertation, U of Ottawa, 1998. "The Commission de toponymie ...transforms Aboriginal place names into Quebecois cultural resources [while] Aboriginal peoples tend to [see] names as 'stories' about the environment, history and culture.... When these two perceptions meet...toponymie negotiation and struggle ensue."
- Agrelo, Ana Isabel Boullón. Antroponimia Medieval Galega (séculos VIII-XII). "The change from the use of a single name only to [the addition of] a second name...generally [came about] by the addition of a patronymic suffix (-iz, mod. -ez) to [a] personal name [and] occasionally originating from by-names [and] toponyms."
- McPherson, Mary Mcfarland. A Socio-Historical Analysis of Public Education in Chicago as Seen in the Naming of Schools. Dissertation, Loyola U (Chicago), 1990. The dissertation considers "the relationship among certain social, political and educational variables contributing to the naming of Chicago Public Schools [from the early 19th century to the present].
- Casey, Eric Scott. Identity, Meaning, and Accountability: Names and Naming in Greek Culture (Plato, Aristotle, Prodicus). Dissertation, U of Pennsylvania,1996. "A fascination with the...significance of names.. .pervades almost all realms of Greek culture.... [Considered are] texts and cultural practices from the philosophical, literary, and folk traditions, focussing on the various ways in which the Greeks conceived of the relation of the proper name and its bearer."
- Smith, Marion Duncan. Naming as a Cultural Sign in the Literature of Jade Snow Wong and Maxine Hong Kingston. Thesis, California State U, Dominguez Hills, 1996. "One of the recurring naming, especially self-reference... Prior to 1965 and the end of the Chinese Exclusion act, the challenge of selecting an ideal Chinese name was complicated by an underlying fear of discrimination and/or deportation."