Published 2003-03-01
Copyright (c) 2003 Maney

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
AbstractFirst names of male and female residents in the United States in 1950 and 1990 were divided into three categories: the 100 most frequent names in 1950 and also in 1990, in 1950 only, and in 1990 only. The final letter more often than the final phoneme was associated with the same sex. The finalleUer was associated with the same sex more often for male than female names and therefore was more often predominantly male. Names that were the 100 most frequent in 1990 only had a final phoneme that was associated with the same sex more often for female than male names and therefore were more often predominantly female.
- Barry, H., III. 1995. “Uses of computers for research on first names.” Names 43:315–324.
- Barry, H., III, and A. S. Harper. 1995. “Increased choice of female phonetic attributes in first names.” Sex Roles 32:809–819.
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- Barry, H., III, and A. S. Harper. 2000. “Three last letters identify most female first names.” Psychological Reports 87:48–54.
- Barry, H., III, and A. S. Harper. 2003. “Persistent popularity of male last letter in female first names.” A Garland of Names: Selected Papers of the Fortieth Names Institute. Eds. Finke, W. H. and Ashley, L. R. N. East Rockaway, NY: Cummings & Hathaway, 37–48.
- Bern, S. L. 1993. The Lenses of Gender. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
- Dunkling, L. 1995. The Guinness Book of Names, 7th Edition. Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom: Guinness Publishing,Ltd.
- Ingraham, H. 1997. People’s Names. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
- Lieberson, S. 2000. A Matter of Taste: How NamesiFashions, and Culture Change. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
- Rossi, A. S. 1965. “Naming children in middle-class families.” American Sociological Review 30:499–513.
- Smith, E. C. 1950. The Story of our Names. New York: Harper.
- Social Security Administration. 1999. The names for 1901–10 are available at World Wide Web site: htpp://
- The subsequent decades are obtained by substituting the subsequent numbers, ending with 90s, for 00s.
- SPSS Inc. 1994. SPSS Syntax Reference Guide. Chicago: SPSS, Inc.
- United States Census. 1990. The male names are available at World Wide Web site:
- htpp:// The female names are at the same site, substituting “female” for “male.”
- Whissell, C. 2001. “Sound and emotion in given names.” Names 49:97–120.