Vol. 55 No. 4 (2007)
Research Article

Names of Registered Cattle Breeds in Texas

Published 2007-12-01



Onomastic research on the cattle industry of Texas and the names of the registered breeds therein reveals ~he use of predictable English· language processes of word formation. I outline the development of the Texas cattle industry, which was an innovation of frontier America. I then report upon the linguistic devices used by speakers to cope with that sociological change. While the language changes can be explained by existing linguistic processes, the addition of sociolinguistic information provides even greater insight.


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  2. Baird, Scott J. 1968. Noun Compounding Rules in Japanese. M. A. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin.
  3. Briggs, Hilton M., and Dinus M. Briggs. 1980. Modern Breeds of Livestock. New York: MacMillan.
  4. Ensminger, M. E. 1976. Beef Cattle Science. Danville, Il.: Interstate Printers & Publishers.
  5. Lees, Robert B. 1963. The Grammar of English Nominalizations. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. P.
  6. Marchand, Hans. 1969. The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation. Munich: Beck.
  7. Pyles, Thomas, and John Algeo. 1982. The Origins and Development of the English Language. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  8. Texas Department of Agriculture. Texport Cattle Directory, Vol. 12, no. 1 (1986–87).
  9. Texas Department of Agriculture. Texas Livestock Directory. http://www.gotexan.org/vgn/tda/files/1670/10488_Livestock%20dir%200306.pdf