Published 2013-06-01
- J. R. R. Tolkien,
- literary onomaturgy,
- literary onomastics,
- names in fantasy literature
Copyright (c) 2013 American Name Society 2013

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AbstractCharles Dickens created almost a thousand fictional characters, many of whom have become synonyms for distinctive types of people or their pecu- liar traits. This article surveys seventeen Dickensian eponyms, cites their first appearance as such, and provides examples of their usage in magazines, books, and the Internet.
- A Guide to the Great Exhibition. 1851. London: George Routledge & Co.
- Alcott Louisa May. 1876. Rose in Bloom. Boston: Roberts Brothers.
- ——. 1868. Little Women. Reprint, 2009. Rockville, Md: Serenity.
- Alden WL. 1866. The Seventh Commandment in Modern Fiction. The Galaxy 2: 373–377.
- Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Maria. 1872. Who Would Have Thought It? 1872. Reprint, 1995. New York: Penguin.
- Anonymous. 1842. ‘Editorial.’ The Monthly Magazine 29, 551.
- ——. 1845. ‘Editorial.’ Medical Times 11, 349–350.
- ——. 1847. ‘Louis Philippe as Fagin.’ Punch 13, 125.
- ——. 1853. ‘Manners and Miseries of the French Clergy.’ Living Age 38, 67–76.
- ——. 1854. ‘After Dinner ‘Debates.’’ Punch 26–27, 117.
- ——. 1856a. ‘The Proclamation of Peace.’ Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art 2, 11–12.
- ——. 1856b. ‘The True Corrupters of Society Detected.’ Punch 30–31, 77.
- ——. 1861. ‘The Ghost of a Guy.’ Punch 40–41, 56.
- ——. 1863. ‘Bridgeman v. Short.’ The Musical World 41, 519.
- ——. 1866. ‘Towle’s Henry V.’ The Nation 2, 374–375.
- ——. 1867. ‘Note 9.’ Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 35, 585.
- ——. 1870. ‘American Newspapers.’ Chamber’s Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts 47 406–409.
- ——. 1871. ‘The Boudoir.’ The Bazaar, Exchange and Mart 5, 419.
- ——. 1879. ‘The Dismal Swamp at Kiburn.’ The Spectator 52, 846–847.
- ——. 1899. ‘Cremation in England.’ Journal of the American Medical Association 32, 831.
- ——. 1890. ‘Editorial.’ Law Notes 9, 167.
- ——. 1890a. ‘Current Literature.’ Spectator 64, 841–843.
- ——. 1906. ‘Editorial.’ The Outlook 17, 396.
- ——. 1907. ‘The Pickwick Exhibition.’ The Dickensian 3, 201–204.
- ——. 1980. ‘Relax.’ Director 32, 79.
- Arthur Timothy. 1872. ‘Fashions for August.’ Arthur’s Home Magazine 38: 39.
- Baer Florence. 1983. ‘Wellerisms in The Pickwick Papers.’ Folklore 94: 173–183.
- Baker Helen. 1875. ‘Poor Dolly Varden.’ Overland Monthly 14: 38–43.
- Bardwick Judith. 2008. One Foot Out The Door. New York: Amacon.
- Bates Robin. ‘Mitt Romney, an American Podsnap.’ November 15 2011, <> [accessed March 20 2012].
- Bayley WP. 1866. ‘Visits to the Paradise of Artists.’ Art Journal 5: 307–311.
- Beatty-Kingston William. 1883. ‘Our Musical Box.’ The Theatre 2: 32–43.
- Beckett Arthur William. 1869. ‘What’s Next.’ The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal of Satire 5: 197–198.
- Blanch William. 1877. The Blue-Coat Boys. London: E. W. Allen.
- Blythe Samuel. 1915. ‘The Machineonian Cry.’ Saturday Evening Post 188: 8.
- Brown Donald. 1956. Journey from the Arctic. New York: Knopf.
- Brown Ivor John C. 1961. Words in Season. London: R. Hart Davis.
- Bunyard Peter. 1981. Nuclear Britain. London: New English Library.
- Burden Mark, Davenport Justin. 2011. ‘Police swoop to stop terror of armed ‘Fagin gang who robbed children.’’ London Evening Standard, June 28, <> [accessed March 3 2012].
- Burwell C, Robin E, Whaley R, Bickelman A. 1956. ‘Extreme Obesity Associated with Alveolar Hypoventilation: A Pickwickian Syndrome.’ American Journal of Medicine 21: 811–818.
- Buzard James. 2007. Victorian Prism. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.
- Byron Henry. 1878. Mirth. London: Tinsley Brothers.
- Candidus, 1844. ‘Epistle to Charles Dickens.’ Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal 7: 374–376.
- Caro Robert. 1982. The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path To Power. New York: Knopf Doubleday.
- Carter Richard. 1994. ‘Uriah Heep Syndrome.’ World Journal of Surgery 18: 790–791.
- Chesbro Caroline. 1873. ‘Barbara’s Duty.’ Atlantic Monthly 31: 54–68.
- Cobb Irvin. 1921. ‘A Quest in YouBetcherland.’ Saturday Evening Post 193: 49–54.
- Constanduros Denis. 1948. My Grandfather. London: Longmans, Green.
- Cory William. 1897. Extracts from the Letters and Journals. Oxford: Subscribers.
- Crandall A. 1896. ‘Public Documents.’ Library Journal 21: 20–25.
- Curcio Vincent. 2000. Chrysler: The Life and Times of an Automotive Genius. New York: Oxford University Press.
- De Fontaine Felix. 1864. Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an Army Notebook. Columbia, S.C.: SteamPower Press.
- De Forrest J. 1869. ‘Chivalrous and Semi-chivalrous Southrons.’ Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 38: 339–347.
- Editor. 1886. ‘The Greek Islands.’ Literary World 17: 59.
- English Speaking Union. 1940. The English Speaking World. London: Dartmouth House.
- Francis Francis. 1878. Sporting Sketches with Pen and Pencil. London: Field.
- Funkhouse Mark. 2012. ‘Charles Dickens’ Fiscal Lessons for Government.’ Governing, April 12, <> [accessed April 18 2012].
- Galbraith ES. 1896–1897. ‘Proscribed by Podsnap.’ University Magazine and Free Review 7: 629–636.
- Gutheridge Don. 1999. Teaching English. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co.
- Hall Robert, Lieberman Marc. 2009. Economics. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
- Hamilton Patrick. 1935. Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky. London: Constable & Co.
- Hampson Sarah. 2010. Happily Ever After Marriage. Toronto: Vintage Books.
- Hapwood Isabell. 1889. ‘A Russian Satirist.’ The Nation 49: 8–10.
- Harris Daniel. 2002. A Memoir of No One in Particular. New York: Basic Books.
- Higgins Aiden. 2004. A Bestiary. Urbana-Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press.
- Hope A. 1889. ‘Untitled.’ Boy’s Own Paper 11: 697.
- Jacobi Dr. 1911. ‘Remedial Agents.’ American Journal of Obstetrics and Disease of Women and Children 63: 1131–1139.
- James Ron. 2012. ‘Barrack Hussein Micawber,’ <> [accessed April 17 2012].
- James William. 1907. ‘The Energies of Men.’ Science 25: 321–332.
- Jenks Paul. 1896. ‘Coasting the Mediterranean.’ Outing 30: 457–463.
- Jones Sam. 2012. ‘Ebenezer Scrooge named most popular Dickens character,’ The Guardian, <> [accessed March 12 2012].
- Joughlin John J, Malpas Simon. 2003. The New Aestheticism. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
- Joven. 1869. ‘Sour Grapes and Ripe Currants.’ Ladies’Companion 18: 119–123.
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- Kalish Beatrice, Kalisch Philipa. 1983. ‘Nightingale,’ [accessed April 2 2012].
- Keefer Janice 1989. Reading Mavis Gallant. Oxford: University Press.
- Kennan George. 1881. Tent Life in Siberia and Adventures Among the Koraks. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons.
- Kipling Rudyard. 1914. ‘Egypt of the Magicians.’ Cosmopolitan 5: 291–296.
- Kitton F. 1886. Dickensiana. London: G. Redway.
- Knight Legh. 1868. Tonic Bitters. London: Chapman and Hall.
- Lal Shiv. 1977. ‘Indian Elections since Independence.’ Election Archives 4: 71.
- Lancastrian, 1893. ‘To ‘Sigma’ Psychologists and Others.’ English Mechanic And World Of Science 56, 497–498.
- Lang Andrew. 1888. ‘Dickens.’ Good Words 29: 233–237.
- Lemon Mark. 1898. ‘ The Lost Art.’ Punch 115: 220.
- Lewisohn Ludwig. 1922. Up Stream. New York: Boni and Liveright.
- Lincoln Floyd. 1921 ‘To Avoid Slurring of Rules.’ American Printer 73: 36–37.
- Machen Arthur. 1918. War and the Christian Faith. London: Skeffington & Son.
- Machin G. 1995. Disraeli. London: Longmans.
- Marciano John. 2010. Toponymith: An Atlas of Words. New York: Bloomsbury.
- Marric J. 1990. Gideon’s Ride. New York: Zebra Books.
- Marryat Francis. 1855. Mountains and Molehills. London: Longman.
- Mayhew Henry. 1851. London Labour and the London Poor. London: George Woodfall.
- Mencken HL. 1975. A Gang of Pecksniffs. New York: Crown Publishing.
- Mender Wolfgang, Kingsbury Stewart. 1994. A Dictionary of Wellerisms. Oxford: University Press.
- Metcalf Frederick. 1856. The Oxonianin Norway. London: Hurst and Blackett.
- Mills John Stuart. 1867. ‘Inaugural Address.’ North American Review 105: 292–294.
- M.L.S. 1850. ‘Hydropathy for Infants.’ Water-cure Journal 9–10: 115–117.
- Murphy Daniel. 1986. Customers and Thieves. Brookfield, VT: Gower.
- National Association of Letter Carriers 1917. The Postal Record 27–28: 93.
- Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Third edition, online version .
- Perera Gihan. 2012. ‘Newt Gingrich is Scrooge who steals poor kid’s childhood.’ <>.
- Perry Nora. 1872. ‘Dolly Varden.’ Our Young Folks 8: 482–486.
- Precursor. 1899. ‘Early Motor Vehicles and Modern Practice.’ Automotor and Horseless Carriage 3–4: 454–456.
- Reeve Arthur. 1914. ‘The Shoplifters.’ Pearson’s 31: 603–610.
- Richardson Charles. 1882. ‘ Miscellany.’ Good Literature 3: 306–307.
- Samuelson Robert. 1980. ‘Let’s Play Scrooge and Cut the Budget.’ Washington Post, March 11, D–7.
- Shaw George Bernard. 1913. The Quintessence of Ibsenism, New York: Brentanos.
- Silverpen. 1847. ‘The Flint and Hart Matronship.’ Howitt’s Journal 1: 18–20, 36–38.
- Smith William. 1903. A Political History of Slavery. New York: Putnam & Sons.
- Spencer Edwin Rollin. 1957. All About Weeds. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
- Stevens Abel. 1854. ‘Editorial Notes and Gleanings.’ The National Magazine 5: 469.
- Stimson FJ. 1896. Pirate Gold. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
- Stone Livingston. 1874. United States Commission Of Fish and Fisheries. Washington: Government Printing Office.
- Swift MacNeill Mr 1898. The Parliamentary Debates. London: Economic Printing and Publishing.
- Thompson Vance. 1899. ‘Gradgrinding the Children of Today.’ Saturday Evening Post 171: 746.
- Tucker Luther. 1854–1855. ‘Editor’s Corner.’ Country Gentleman 4: 94.
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- Volk Ernest. 1912. ‘Early Man in America.’ American Museum Journal 12: 181–185.
- Waldfogel Joel. 2009. Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays. Princeton, NJ: University Press.
- Wareham John. 1995. The New Secrets of a Corporate Headhunter. New York Harper Business.
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