Published 2016-10-01
Copyright (c) 2016 American Name Society

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Our subject lived for 20 years as Hester Lynch Salusbury, and more than 40 years as the wife, then widow, of Gabriel Piozzi. Her bestselling literary works appeared under the name Hester Lynch Piozzi and yet she is recognized for her 20 years as Mrs Thrale: friend, confidante, amanuensis, and muse of Samuel Johnson. Upon her second marriage, “Piozzi” became a hostile signifier for a woman who defied her family and social opinion to choose a new husband and a new name; later biographers would recast her as “Dr Johnson’s Mrs Thrale,” the wife of one man, the possession of another. Meanwhile, modern critics have employed more than 20 different names, variously signaling emotional loyalty, theoretical affiliation, political correctness, or sensitivity to the academic marketplace. The naming of Hester Lynch Piozzi continues to complicate our understanding of one of the eighteenth century’s most distinguished and inscrutable figures.
- Berglund, Lisa. 2009. “Fossil Fish: Preserving Samuel Johnson within Hester Lynch Piozzi’s British Synonymy.” Dictionaries 30: 96–107.
- Boswell, James. 1784[?]. Ode by Dr Samuel Johnson to Mrs Thrale upon Their Supposed Approaching Nuptials. London: R. Faulder.
- Braudy, Leo. 1997. The Frenzy of Renown: Fame and Its History. New York: Vintage.
- Burney, F. 1984. The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame D’Arblay) 1791–1840, Vol. 11: Mayfair 1818–1824: Letters 1180–1354. Ed. Joyce Hemlow with Althea Douglas and Patricia Hawkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Carter, Winifred. 1950. Dr Johnson’s “Dear Mistress.” New York: Philosophical Library.
- Clarke, Norma. 2000. Dr Johnson’s Women. London and New York: Hambledon and London.
- Clifford, James L. 1941. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Oxford: Clarendon. Reprinted in 1987 with Introduction by Margaret Doody. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Eddy, Donald D., ed. 1993. Sale Catalogues of the Libraries of Samuel Johnson, Hester Lynch Thrale (Mrs Piozzi) and James Boswell. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Books.
- Fletcher, Edward G., ed. 1963. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LLD. By James Boswell with Marginal Comments and Markings from Two Copies Annotated by Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi. 3 vols. New York: The Heritage Press.
- Green, Jonathon. 2010. Green’s Dictionary of Slang. London: Chambers.
- Hayward, Abraham, ed. 1861. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs Piozzi (Thrale). 2nd edn. 2 vols. London: Longman, Green.
- Hayward, Abraham, ed. 1910. Dr Johnson’s Mrs Thrale: Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs Piozzi. Newly selected and edited. Edinburgh and London: T. N. Foulis.
- Mangin, Edward. 1833. Piozziana; Or, Recollections of the Late Mrs Piozzi, with Remarks. By a Friend. London: Moxon.
- McCarthy, William. 1985. Hester Thrale Piozzi: Portrait of a Literary Woman. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
- McCarthy, William. 1988. “The Repression of Hester Lynch Piozzi; Or, How We Forgot a Revolution in Authorship.” Modern Language Studies 18(1): 99–111.
- McCreery, Cindy. 2009. “Lustful Widows and Old Maids.” In Lewd and Notorious: Female Transgression in the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Katherine Kittredge, 112–132. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
- McIntyre, Ian. 2008. Hester: The Remarkable Life of Dr Johnson’s “Dear Mistress.” London: Constable.
- Napier, Robina, ed. 1884. Johnsoniana / Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson LLD by Mrs Piozzi, Richard Cumberland, Bishop Percy and Others / Together with the Diary of Dr Campbell and Extracts from that of Madame D’Arblay. London: George Bell and Sons.
- Newton, A. Edward. 1918. The Amenities of Book-Collecting and Kindred Affections. Boston, MA: Atlantic Monthly Press.
- Newton, A. Edward. 1921. Reflections on the Character of Madame Thrale Piozzi. Daylesford, PA: Oak Knoll.
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- Piozzi, Hesther [sic] Lynch. 1786. Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, LLD During the Last Twenty Years of His Life. London: T. Cadell.
- Scott, Walter S. 1947. “Hester Lynch Thrale (Mrs Piozzi).” In The Bluestocking Ladies, 95–121. London: John Green.
- Thaddeus, Janice. 1990. “Hoards of Sorrow: Hester Lynch Piozzi, Frances Burney D’Arblay, and Intimate Death.” Eighteenth-Century Life 14(3): 108–129.
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- Vulliamy, C. E. 1936. Mrs Thrale of Streatham. Her Place in the Life of Dr Samuel Johnson and in the Society of Her Time, Her Character and Family Affairs, Reviewed in the Light of Newly Assembled Evidence. London: Jonathan Cape.
- Wolcot, John. 1835. The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. Philadelphia, PA: M. Wallis Woodward & Co.