Vol. 69 No. 3 (2021)

A Note of Remembrance in Honor of Edwin David Lawson (December 23, 1923—July 3, 2021)

Aaron Demsky
Bar-Ilan University

Published 2021-08-16


  • memoriam


This note of remembrance is written for the eminent onomastician Edwin David Lawson.


  1. Lawson, Edwin D. 1997. “Some Jewish Personal Names: An Annotated Bibliography.” In These Are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics, vol. 1, edited by Aaron Demsky, Joseph Reif, and Joseph Tabory, 83–149. Ramat-Gan: Illan University Press.
  2. Lawson, Edwin D. 2003. “Some Jewish Personal Names 2: An Annotated Bibliography.” In These Are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics, vol. 4, edited by Aaron Demsky, 175–335. Ramat-Gan: Illan University Press.