Published 1990-09-01
Copyright (c) 1990 Maney

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
AbstractThe Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names traces its roots to a recommendation of land surveyors in 1888 and action by the federal government in 1897 to create the Geographic Board of Canada. Advisory committees have assisted the CPCGN with principles and procedures, undersea feature naming, alpine nomenclature, and toponymic research. The Committee has convened workshops on gazetteer production, language issues, data automation, and native names. It will continue to pursue field collection of toponyms and development of principles for standardizing toponyms and linking automated toponymic data bases
- Advisory Committee on Undersea Feature Names, CPCGN. Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names 1987. 2nd ed. Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1987.
- Canadian Board on Geographical Names. Gazetteer of Canada: Southwestern Ontario. Ottawa, 1952.
- Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. Principles and Procedures for Geographical Naming. Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada,1987.
- Commission de toponymie du Québec. Répertoire toponymique du Québec 1987. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, 1987.
- Commission de toponymie du Québec. Stage international de formation en toponymie: Actes du stage tenu à Québec, 1988. Études et recherches toponymiques 13. Québec, 1989.
- First Annual Report of the Geographic Board of Canada, 1898. Ottawa, 1899.
- Gazetteer Atlas of Canada. Ottawa: Macmillan of Canada in cooperation with EMR Canada,1980.
- Glossary of Generic Terms in Canada’s Geographical Names. Terminology Bulletin 176. Ottawa: Dept, of Sec. of State of Canada and EMR Canada,1987.
- La dénomination des entités géographiques du Canada. Ottawa: EMR Canada,1990.
- Naming Canada’s Geographical Features. Ottawa: EMR Canada,1990.
- Report of the Proceedings of the Association of Dominion Land Surveyorsiat its Fifth Annual Meeting Held at Ottawa, March 15th and 16th, 1888. Montréal: John Lovell & Son, 1888.