Published 2015-10-02
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Copyright (c) 2015 American Name Society

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Street names in Athens, Georgia, are of two kinds: older, traditional, central, commemorative, directional = “classic,” and newer, innovative, suburban, evocative, given by real-estate developers for their commercial appeal = “classy.” The city of Athens is the site of the University of Georgia, the State Botanical Garden, the Georgia Museum of Art, and notably a double-barreled cannon, which was supposed to fire two chain-linked cannon balls simultaneously, but which succeeded on its trial shot only in demolishing a fence and killing a cow. The city was consolidated with Clarke County, yielding a population of some 120,000.
- Augusta Chronicle and Gazette of the State. 1801, June 20. University of Georgia Library.
- Carlton, H. H., ed. 1881. Compilation of the Constitutional Provisions and Acts of the Legislature Incorporating and Relating to the City of Athens, and Codification of the Ordinances of Said City. Athens, GA: Southern Watchman.
- Cassidy, Frederic G. 1977. “Notes on Nicknames for Places in the United States.” American Speech 52: 19–28.
- Coleman, Kenneth. 1967. Confederate Athens. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
- Coulter, E. Merton. 1951. College Life in the Old South. 2nd edn. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
- Hull, Augustus Longstreet. 1906. Annals of Athens, 1801–1901. Athens, GA: Banner Job Office.
- Hynds, Ernest C. 1974. Antebellum Athens and Clarke County, Georgia. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
- Marshall, Marion West, and Mary Bondurant Warren. 1964. “Athens: Its Earliest History.” Papers of the Athens Historical Society, 1: 6–10.
- Minutes of Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Athens, Georgia. Various dates. University of Georgia Library.
- Minutes of the Trustees of the University of Georgia. Various dates. University of Georgia Library.
- Morris, Sylvanus. Undated manuscript. “Strolls about Athens during the Early Seventies.” University of Georgia Library.
- Rowe, H. J. ed. 1923. History of Athens and Clarke County. Athens, GA: McGregor.
- Weber, Carl J. Hardy of Wessex. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940.