Published 1969-03-01
Copyright (c) 1969 Maney

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(no abstract)
- W. F. Albright, “ Some Oriental Glosses on the Homeric Problem,” AJA 54 (1950, 168—169 [on Asia, Assuwa],
- Art. AsiaiEBr. 2 (1965), 574b-604b.
- Art. AsiaiElt. 4 (1929), 839b—904; append., 1.170b—173a; 2nd append., 274 to 287.
- Art. AsiaiEE 2 (1896), 1533–1562.
- Art. AsiaiTh.L.L. 2 (1900-1906), coll. 781–782; art. Asius, 786; art. Äsius, 787; Äsis, Asias, Asiacus, Asia palus, 786.
- J. Baunack, “Beiträge zur altgriechischen Onomatologie,” Th. Vogel Stvdia Nicolaitana (Festschrift) (Leipzig, 1884), 15—63 [Especially c. aaaïoç und écaïoç, 21—23; d. Stamm dcaaa- in Eigennamen, 23—26; f.
- C. R. Beazley, The Dawn of Modern Geography. 3 vols. London, 1897—1906. [The fullest account of ancient geography in English to the beginning of the twentieth cent.; vol. 1 on late antiquity.]
- H. Berger, Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen.2 Leipzig, 1903. idem, art. Europa 2, Name des Erdteils, RE 6 (1909), 1298—1309.
- André Berthelot, L'Asie ancienne centrale et sub-orientale d'après Ptolémée. Paris, 1930. (Bibliothèque Géographique.) [With 24 maps.]
- F. Bilabel, Geschichte Vorderasiens und Ägyptens vom 16.—11. Jahrhundert v.Chr.
- (Heidelberg, 1927), p. 280.
- Kurt Bittel, “Die Reliefs am Karabel bei Nif (Kemal Pasa) nebst einigen Bemerkungen über die hethitischen Denkmäler Westkleinasiens,” AOF 13 (1939—41), 192 f. with notes 30, 31.
- R. Blanchard, Asie Occidentale, in: Géographie universelle, publiée sous la direction de P. Vidal de la Blanche et L. Gallois. Tome VIII (Paris, 1929), 1—234 [A survey with no documentation in the text ; ch. Ill : L’Asie Mineure, pp. 59—108 ; bibliography,p. 106 and 108].
- Helmut Theodor Bossert, Asia. Istanbul, 1946 (Literarische Fakultät der Universität Istanbul, Nr. 323, Forschungsinstitut für Altvorderasiatische Kulturen, Nr. 2). [Of fundamental importance. A general treatment of the data pertaining to the names ’Acna and Assuva, records on it, localization of Assuva, review of etymologies of ’Acna, etc. ; his conclusions on p. 177.]
- W. Brandenstein, art. Kleinasiatische Ursprachen, RE, Supplem. 6 (1935), 165—181 [a comprehensive treatment of the old Anatolian place names]. idem, “Die Erforschung der Ortsnamen in Altkleinasien,” ZONF 11 (1935), 61—78. [Especially names with -assa-, p. 71 with note 2; Assos etc., p. 76 with note 2; Assuva: ’Atna, 77 f.]
- Brandis, art. Asia 3: Die römische Provinz Asia, RE 2 (1896), 1538—1562. [On the Roman province Asia.]
- T. R. S. Broughton, “Roman Asia Minor,” in T. Frank, et alii (edd.), An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, vol. IV. Baltimore, 1938, pp. 506—916. idem, art. Asia, Roman Province of, EBr. 2 (1965), 604b f.
- E. H. Bunbury, A History of Ancient Geography. 2 vols. 2nd ed., 1883. With a new introduction by W. H. Stahl, 1959. [Full documentation, also on Asia.] Bürchner, art. ’Atna 2 = Kleinasien, RE 2 (1896), 1538. [With old bibliography of the 19th cent.]
- idem, art. ylssos 1, ’'Aaaoç, RE 2 (1896), 1748 (with drawing of the city, 1749f.). J. Chadwick, “Potnia,” Minos 5 (1957), 117—129, especially 125f. [on aswios, aswia].
- J. Chadwick and L. Baumbach, The Mycenaean Greek VocabularyiGlotta 41 (1963), 177 [on "Actloç, Aswiäi, man’s name Aswios].
- Victor Chapot, La province romaine proconsulaire d'Asie depuis ses origines jusqu'à la fin du haut-empire. Paris, 1904 (Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, sciences historiques et philologiques, 150ème fasc.).
- J. T. Clarke, F. H. Bacon, and R. Koldewey, Investigations at Assos (1881—1883), ed. by F. H. Bacon. London, Cambridge, Mass., and Leipzig, 1902—1921. [On .4ssos as identical with Pedasos, the capital city of the Leleges, on the site of which is situated the Turkish village Behram.]
- G. B. Cressey, Asia's Lands and Peoples, a Geography of One-third of the Earth, etc. 1st ed., New York, 1944 (McGraw-Hill series in geography). 2nd ed., 1951. Louis Deroy, “Le nom de l’Europe, son origine et son histoire,” RIO 11 (1959), 1-22b
- R. R. Dyer, “ Asia/*Aswia and Archilochus Fr. 23,” PP 20 (1965), 115—132. [The name, not Greek according to the author, is equated with Assuwa = the Troad kingdom, an equation highly disputed; on the occasion of the Archilochos passage the forms of the name Asia are discussed, wherein Dyer seems unaware of the writings of A. Heubeck and others; the author perhaps did not intend a systematic discussion of the total problem of the history and the origin of the name.]
- A. Forcellini’s Lexicon totius Latinitatis, vol. 5: Onomasticon (Patavii, 1940), 185f. s. Asia, also related entries: Asianus, Asiaticus.
- E. O. Forrer, “Vorhomerische Griechen in den Keilschrifttexten von Boghazköi,”
- MDOG, Nr. 63 (1924), pp. 7,16. - Cf. J. Friedrich, KF 1 (1927–30), 100 with note 4.
- idem, art. Assuva, Reallex. d. Assyriol. 1 (1928—32), 227. [.Assuva = Asia, comprising Lydia, North Caria, South Phrygia, Mysia and Minor Phrygia. The here (p. 227b) promised closer treatment for E. Forrer’s Forschungen I, 3. Heft, never appeared.]
- J. Friedrich,“ Werden in den hethitischen Keilschrifttexten die Griechen erwähnt ?,” KF 1 (1927-30), 100 with note 4.
- Frisk, GEW = Hjalmar Frisk, Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 2 vols. Heidelberg, 1954—.
- J. Garstand and O. R. Gurney, The Geography of the Hittite Empire. London, 1957, pp. 105—107 [on Assuwa, ’Acna, ^4ssos].
- F. Gisinger, art. Geographie, RE Supplem. 4 (1924), 521—685 [Erdteile, Abgrenzung der Erdteile, coll. 552—556]. idem, art. Oikumene, RE, N.B., 17, pt. 2 (= 34) (1937), coll. 2123—2174.
- A. Goetze, Kulturgeschichte des alten Orients. 3,1 : Kleinasien2. München, 1957, p. 180 [on Assuwa], map “Kleinasien zur Hethiterzeit” [facing p. 228].
- Der Grosse Brockhaus16. 12 vols. Wiesbaden, 1952—57; 2 supplement vols., 13—14. 1958—63. Der Grosse Brockhaus Atlas, 1960. [Asien, 1.434b—441a; Eurasien, 3.683b.]
- H. Harms — K. Brüning, Asien4i Leipzig, 1932.
- H. Hassinger, Geographische Grundlagen der Geschichte2. Freiburg, 1953 [1st ed., 1930] [Bibliography also on Asia']. See especially p. 51 [etymology of Asia].
- D. Hay, Europe. Edinburgh, 1957. [Annotated bibliography.]
- Albert Herrmann, Geschichte der Geographie im Zeitraum 1926—1939. Teil I: Bis zum Ausgange des Mittelalters,Geographisches Jahrbuch 55 (1940), 381—434, especially 417—421. idem, Die Erdkarte der Urbibel. Braunschweig, 1931, p. 52.
- A. Hettner, Grundzüge der Länderkunde.3 2 vols. Leipzig, 1930—32.
- Alfred Heubeck, Praegraeca. Sprachliche Untersuchungen zum vorgriechisch-indo- germanischen Substrat. Erlangen, 1961. (Erlanger Forschungen A, Band 12), pp. 71—73. — Cf. W. Merlingen, Gnomon 34 (1962), 704r-707, especially 705;
- E. Risch, IF 69 (1964), 75—79, especially 77f. ; cf. A. Heubeck, [review of R. Dussaud, Prélydiens, Hittites et Achéens. Paris, 1953], OLZ 50 (1955), 132.
- G. W. Hoffman, A Geography of Europe2i New York, 1961.
- Bedrich Hroznÿ, Ancient History of Western Asia, India and Crete. Prague [1952], Previous German edition: Die älteste Geschichte Vorderasiens und Indiens. Prague, 1941. — Cf. W. Otto, Kritische Bemerkungen zu Hroznÿ’s gleichnamigem Werk. (Munich, 1941 = SB d. Bayer. Akad. d. PFiss., philos.-hist. Abt., 1941, Bd. II, H. 3.)
- Hermann Jacobsohn, “Zu den griechischen Ethnika,” KZ 57 (1929—30), 89 note 1 [*Aahr], fHaiov7), ’'Aaïoç Xeijixov], 105 with note 1 [’Aaaoç, "Haaioi].
- A. H. Keane, Asia2i London, 1906—09. Vol. I : Northern and Eastern Asia. II : Southern and Western Asia. (Stanford’s Compendium of Geography and Travel.)
- H. Kiepert, Lehrbuch der alten Geographie. Berlin, 1878 [on Asia p. 51 note 3]. idemiAtlas antiquus. Zwölf Karten zur alten Geschichte. Berlin, [1876]. [For Asia provincia see tabula XII: Imperium Romanum.] idem, Ancient Geography. London 1881. idem, Karte von Kleinasien [in sechs Blättern]. 1884. idem, Formae orbis antiqui. 1894.
- R. Kiepert, Karte von Kleinasien, 24 Blatt. (Scale 1:400,000). Berlin, 1899—1907.
- G. H. T. Kimble, Geography in the Middle Ages. London, 1938. [On the medieval notion of Europe and its peoples.]
- W. Kranz in Bossert, Asia, p. 177—8 [Asie for both Asia and Africa].
- N. Krebs, Vergleichende Länderkunde. Strassburg, 1951.
- Paul Kretschmer, “Alaksandus, König von Vilusa,” Glotta 13 (1924), 205—213, especially p. 213 [’Aaioc stands for Assuva by substituting -Lee for -uva idem, “Die vorgriechischen Sprach- und Volksschichten,” Glotta 28 (1940), 231—279. [On Assos, "Haaioi, p. 252.]
- Eloise Lambert and Mario Pei, The Book of Place-Names. New York, 1959, pp. 25 to 26. [On Asia (of Semitic origin).]
- LSJ = Liddell-Scott-Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, 1925—40. Suppl. ’68.
- H. J. Mackinder, The Regions of the World. 12 vols. London, 1902 ff.
- David Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ. 2 vols. (1 : Text,2: Notes). Princeton, 1950. [Also on Assos, 2.905.]
- A. M. M[ansel], art. Assos (’Aaaoç), Der Kleine Pauly 1 (1964), 1542—44 [bibliogr.]. Santo Mazzarino, Fra oriente e occidente; ricerche di storia greca arcaica. Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1947. [Reliable and very important, especially for the discussion of the concepts Aa£a and Eupwnr/] in Greek literature ; amply documented in 915 notes. Cf. pp. 45—50; notes, pp. 329 (note 88), 330 (note 104),338 (note 220). The author was unable to take into consideration the book of H. Th. Bossert (1946).] Cf. review by A. Heubeck, Historia 2 (1953—54), 476–479.
- Ed. Meyer, art. Asies (’AaÊY]ç), RE 2 (1896), 1579f.
- K. Müler, Mappae Arabicae. Arabische Welt- und Länderkarten. Stuttgart, 1926—31. Anna Morpurgo, Mycenaeae Graecitatis Lexicon. Romae, 1963 (Incunabula Graeca, 3). [On Mycenaean ’'AaFioç.]
- M. Ninck, Die Entdeckung von Europa durch die Griechen. Basel, 1945.
- Eugen Oberhummer, “Länder- und Völkerkunde der östlichen antiken Welt: Kleinasien,” Geographisches Jahrbuch 34 (1912), 374—388.
- The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford, 1949.
- OED = The Oxford English Dictionary, a corrected re-issue with an Introduction, Supplement, and Bibliography of a New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. 13 vols. (12 + 1: Supplement and Bibliography). Oxford,1933. [On Asian, Asianic, Asiatic.]
- Denys L. Page, History and the Homeric Iliad. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1959 (Sather Classical Lectures, 31), pp. 104, with notes 27, 28 [on page 115]; cf. A. Heubeck, Gnomon 33 (1961), 113–120; S. Dow, AJP 83 (1962), 92.
- L. R. Palmer, The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts. Oxford, 1963. [On a-si-wi-ja, etc.]
- Pape-Benseler, WGE3 = W. Pape — G. Benseler, Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen3. Braunschweig, 1870, p. 156. [Articles on ’Aaia, ’Aaiàç, etc.]
- Alfred Philippson, Das Mittelmeergebiet. Leipzig, 1907. idemiEuropa3. Europa außer Deutschland. Leipzig, 1928.
- Hans Philipp, “Die Namen der Erdteile Europa, Asien und Afrika,” PM Jahrg. 82 (1936), 109—110 [popularizing without documentation; cf. also G. R. Stewart, Names 9 (1961), 77],
- Erich Polaschek, art. Klaudios Ptolemaios. Das geographische WerkiRE, Supplem. 10 (1965), 680—833; bibliogr. 819—832. [On general ancient geography, 820.] idem, “Ptolemy’s Geography in New Light,” Imago Mundi 14 (1957), 139ff. Claudii Ptolemaei, Geographia. Vol. 1, 1 and 2, ed. C. Müllerus. Paris, 1883—1901. — 2 vols., ed. C. F. A. Nobbe, Lipsiae, 1887—98. — Cf. W. H. Stahl, Ptolemy's Geographyia select bibliography. New York, 1953. 86 pages. — H. S. Cronin, “Ptolemy’s map of Asia Minor: method of construction,” Geographical Journal (London) 25 (1905), 429—444 [maps, tables].
- Claudii Ptolemaei, Geographiae codex Urbinas Graecus 82. Pars prior : textus cum appendice critica F. de Cavalieri. Pars prior : commentatio. Pars alteraiTabulae geographicae. Lugduni Batavorum Lipsiae, 1932. (Codices e Vaticanis selecti, vol. XVTIII, in three parts.) [In the pars altera: 12 maps represent parts of the orbis terrarum, 11 represent parts of Asia, 6 parts of Africa, and 51 parts of Europe.]
- Géographie de Ptolémée. Traduction latine de Jacopo d’Angiolo de Florence. Reproduction réduite des cartes et plans du manuscrit latin 4802 de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris, 1926. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Département des Manuscrits.) [Asia is given in twelve plates as follows: Asia I (Asia Minor), II (Asiatic Russia), III (Armenia), IV (Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Arabia), V (Assyria and Persia), VI (Prosperous Arabia).]
- W. M. Ramsay, The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London, 1890.
- Carl Ritter, Die Erdkunde von Asien. Berlin, 1835.
- W. Ruge, art. Asia 1, RE 2 (1896), 1533–37.
- Michel B. Sakellariou, La migration grecque en Ionie. Athènes, 1958 (Collection de l’Institut Français d’Athènes), pp. 452—456. [A review of the matter of localization of Assuva; the author is against Lydia or Mysia.]
- Fritz Schachermeyer, Hethiter und Achäer. Leipzig, 1935 (MAOG 9,1/2). [On ’Acw) = Assuva, 21 note 1 ; 68 note 1 ; Assuva’s location 42 and 95; etc.] idem, “Zur Frage der Lokalisierung von Achiawa,” MinoicaiFestschrift für J. Sundwall (Berlin, 1958), 365–80.
- Alfred Schmitt, Der Buchstabe h im Griechischen. Münster, Westf., 1952, pp. 44f. with notes 19 and 20. [On the names ’Aaaàç, rAaaoç, Heaatoi.]
- A. Schultz, Der Erdteil Asien. Straßburg, 1950.
- E. C. Semple, The Geography of the Mediterranean Region; its Relation to Ancient History. New York, 1931, pp. 4—5.
- W. Sievers, Asien2i Leipzig und Wien, 1904 (Allgemeine Länderkunde; 1st ed., 1892).
- P. S. [Philip Smith], art. Asia, W. Smith (ed.), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. By Various Writers. (2 vols., London, 1878), vol. 1, pp. 232—9. Felix Solmsen, Indogermanische Eigennamen als Spiegel der Kulturgeschichte. Heidelberg, 1929, p. 29 f.
- F. Sommer, Die Ahhijavä-Urkunden. Munich, 1930 (Abhandl. d. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss., philos.-hist. Abt.. NF, 6,1932), p. 362 with note 1 ; 370 note 1 [onp. 371]. V. Stamp, Asia; a Regional and Economic Geography4. New York [1938].
- G. R. Stewart, “Europe and Europa,” Names 9 (1961), 79—90. [Concerning the
- name Asia, p. 88f., he had not seen the most important work of Bossert and generally he is bibliographically not well informed; he repeats the Semitic explanation of Europe.]
- Eduard Suess, Das Anlitz der Erde. Prag und Leipzig, 1885—1909. 3 vols, in 4. [12th section: Die Continente, vol. 1,pp. 764—779.]
- H. T[reidler], art. Europe 2iDer kleine Pauly 2 (1967), 448f.
- Isaac Taylor, Words and Places or Etymological Illustrations of HistoryiEthnology and Geography (London, 1896), pp. 50—53; 41936, p. 71 [old etymologies]. idem, Names and their Histories. London, 1896. [On Asia.]
- B. E. Thomasson, art. AsiaiDer Kleine Pauly 1 (1964), 636f. [On the Roman
- province Asia; bibliography.]
- J. Oliver Thomson, History of Ancient Geography. Cambridge, 1948, pp. 79, 171, 287, 363. [This supersedes earlier accounts of ancient geography in English except for Bunbury, Beazley, Kimble, and Warmington. Bibliography.]
- W. Tomaschek, “Zur historischen Topographie von Kleinasien im Mittelalter,” SB d. Wiener Akad. d. TFiss., philos.-hist. CI., 124 (1891), Abh. VTII. [On Assos, p. 23, on Arab. Awâsî, p. 32.]
- R. V. Tooley, Maps and Map-makers. London, etc., 1949; 2nd ed., 1952. [On maps of Asia, pp. 103—106; captions on Palestine, India, China, Japan, pp. 103—108; bibliographies on 108f.]
- Henry F. Tozer, A History of Ancient Geography2 with additional notes by M. Cary. Cambridge, 1935. [This includes a chapter on “Ptolemy and later geographers,” pp. 338–370.]
- Richard Uhden, “Das Erdbild in der Tetrabiblos des Ptolemaios,” Philologue 88 {NF 42) (1933), 302–325. [On p. 309 the names ’Aatoc, etc.]
- idem, “Der Ursprung des Erdteilbegriffes,” PM 81. Jahrg. (1935), 193—197.
- P. M. J. Vidai de la Blache et L. Gallois, Géographie universelle. 23 vols. Paris* 1927-1948.
- Jacob Wackemagel, Sprachliche Untersuchungen zu Homer. Göttingen, 1916, p. 86- with notes 1 and 2. — Cf. H. Jacobsohn, KZ 57 (1929—30), 89 note 1.
- E. H. Warmington, Greek Geography. London, 1934. [Collection of texts translated.}
- Webster’s 3rd NID = Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Unabridged. Springfield, Mass., 1961.
- Webster’s Geogr. Diet. (1964) = Webster’s Geographical Dictionary. A Dictionary of Names of Places with geographical and historical information and pronunciations ~ Springfield, Mass., 1964.
- L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen. Prague, 1964.