Vol. 37 No. 3 (1989)
Research Article

Palestinian First Names: An Introduction

Published 1989-09-01



An analysis of the first names of 768 Palestinian school children from the West Bank and from within the Green Line reveals 341 different names. The inventory of these names indicates the usual form of the name as transcribed into the Roman alphabet, pronunciation, frequency, meaning, and perceived identification (“Christian,” “Moslem,” or “Neutral”). Additional analysis evaluates Christian vs. Moslem usage, determines the perceived identification, and identifies the most popular names.


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  6. Paxton, Evelyn. “Arabic Names.” Asian Affairs 59 (1972): 198–299.
  7. Vroonen, Eugene. Les nommes de personnes en Orient et spécialement en Egypte. Cairo: Le Scribe Egyptien,1946.