Vol. 40 No. 2 (1992)
Research Article

Drood Renominated

Published 1992-06-01



Several names in Dickens' novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood have been the source of disagreement among scholars. Among these are Drood itself, which may relate to rood ‘cross’; Neville Landless, both parts suggesting disenfranchisement; and the pet names for Rosa Bud, Rosebud and Pussy, both of which probably should not carry the sexual connotations some have ascribed to them.


  1. Bleiler, Everett F. “The Names in Drood.” Dickens Quarterly 1 (1984): 88–93 (part 1); 137–42 (part 2).
  2. Dickens, Charles. “Edwin Drood” and the “Uncommercial Traveller.” London: Thomas Nelson, 1926. (All citations are to this edition.)
  3. Dickens, Charles. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Ed. Arthur J. Cox. New York: Penguin, 1986.
  4. Fleissner, Robert F. “Dickens’ Little Testament: Spiritual Quest or Humanistic Document?” Research Studies 49 (1981): 35–45.
  5. Fleissner, Robert F. “Dickens on Slavery: Great Expectations as a Novel for Black Students.” Negro History Bulletin 38 (1975): 478–79.
  6. Fleissner, Robert F. “Drood the Obscure: The Evidence of the Names.” The Armchair Detective 13 (1980): 12–16.
  7. Fleissner, Robert F. “The Germination of ‘Rosebud' in Citizen Kane.” Names 27 (1979): 283–84.
  8. Fleissner, Robert F. A Rose by Another Name: A Survey of Literary Flora from Shakespeare to Eco. Locust Hill Literary Studies No. 5. West Cornwall CT: Locust Hill P,1989.
  9. Fleissner, Robert F. “Sherlock Holmes Confronts Edwin Drood” The Baker Street Journal ns 35 (1985): 19–20.
  10. Fleissner, Robert F. “The Title The Life of Our Lord: Does it Fit the Dickens Canon?” American Notes and Queries 22 (1983): 39–40.
  11. Forsyte, Charles. “How Did Drood Die?” The Dickensian 84 (1988): 80–95.
  12. Lehmann, R. C., ed. Charles Dickens as Editor: Being Letters by Him to William WillsiHis Sub-Editor. New York: Sturgis and Walton, 1912.
  13. Partridge, Eric. Shakespeare’s Bawdy. New York: Dutton, 1948.
  14. Robson, W. W. “The Mystery of Edwin Drood: The Solution?” TLS 11 November 1983: 1246, 1259.
  15. Sanders, Andrew. Charles Dickens: Resurrectionist. New York: St. Martin's,1982.
  16. Taylor, A. J. P., ed. My Darling Pussy: The Letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson, 1913–41. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1975.
  17. Vogel, Jane. Allegory in Dickens. Studies in the Humanities, Number 17. University: U of Alabama P,1977.