Research Article
Published 1993-03-01
Copyright (c) 1993 Maney

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AbstractIs Prufrock's name a mere will-o'-the-wisp? Several lengthy studies of its meaning, etymologically and onomastically (or connotatively), have raised a number of issues concerning what Eliot had in mind, consciously or unconsciously. These have, to some extent, overlapped, and so a study bringing them together is in order. Each segment of the full name deserves careful study again, including the ambiguous initial, the resonant middle name, and the Germanic surname.
- Bluestein, Gene. “Prufrock-Shmufrock.” Yiddish 7 (1987): 53–56.
- Canary, Robert F. T. S. Eliot: The Poet and His Critics. Chicago: American Lib. Assn., 1982.
- Cervo, Nathan. “Stevens” The Comedian as the Letter C.’” Explicator 50 (1992): 228–31.
- Childs, Donald J. “Eliot Facts.” Rev. of Fleissner’s Ascending the Prufrockian Stair. Essays in Criticism 39 (1989): 348–52.
- Crawford, Robert. The Savage and the City in the Work of T. S. Eliot. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987.
- Fleissner, R. F. Ascending the Prufrockian Stair: Studies in a Dissociated Sensibility. Ser. IV; Eng. Lang, and Lit., Vol. 86. New York: Peter Lang, 1988. 1–24. Cited as APS.
- Fleissner, R. F. “Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.’” Expiicator 48 (1990): 208–10.
- Fleissner, R. F. T. S. Eliot and the Heritage of Africa: The Magus and the Moor as Metaphor. Ser. IV; Eng. Lang and Lit., Vol. 143. Peter Lang, 1992.
- Fleissner, R. F. “The Weakness of T. S. Eliot’s J. Alfred: More of Verdenal in ‘Prufrock.’” Names 38 (1990): 43–48.
- Grimaud, Michel. “Hermeneutics, Onomastics and Poetics in English and French Literature.” Modern Language Notes 92 (1977): 888–915.
- Harder, Kelsie, ed. Names and Their Varieties: A Collection of Essays in Onomastics. Latham, Md: University Press of America,1986. 223–29.
- Johnson, Carol Siri. Rev. of Fleissner’s Ascending the Prufrockian Stair. Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor (U of Ottawa) 11 (1990) : 52–53.
- Smith, Grover. T. S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays: A Study in Sources and Meaning. 2nd ed. University of Chicago Press, 1974.