Published 1957-06-01
Copyright (c) 1957 Maney

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- Aikman, Duncan, Devil Words: a Political Weapon in American Mercury, Vol. 82, February, 1956, pp. 5–10. On names like Red, Radical and Liberal, used in vilification.
- Albert, S. J., Injunction – Subjects of Protection and Relief – Whether One Divorced Parent May Obtain Equitable Assistance to Prevent the Other Parent from Changing the Surname of their Minor Child in Chicago-Kent Law Review, Vol. 34, September, 1956, pp. 313–318.
- Allen, Harold B., Nicknaming in Egyptian Arabic in Names, Vol. 4, June, 1956, pp. 75–82.
- Barrett, Lawrence A., What’s the Name? in American Mercury, Vol. 83, July, 1956, pp. 82–84. On three rules for remembering names.
- Boyle, John A., On the Titles Given in Juvainî to Certain Mongolian Princes in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 19, June, 1956, pp. 146–154. On the titles given Mongolian princes after death.
- Brown, P. W. F., Some Semantics of Onomancy in Names, Vol. 4, March, 1956, pp. 39–45.
- Cantor, M. E. L., Change of Name in Western Australia in The Australian Law Journal, Vol. 30, October 18, 1956, pp. 289 to 290. A criticism of the Change of Names Regulation Act, 1923 (W. A.), which prevents change of name without compliance with the act.
- Casagrande, Joseph B., Comanche Linguistic Acculturation III, On Comanche Personal Names in International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 21, January, 1955, pp. 12–20. On the acquisition of names by the Comanche Indians.
- Cerf, Bennett, Trade Winds in The Saturday Review, Vol. 39, May 12, 1956, p. 4. On pseudonyms. Announcement of the New York Public Library display called, “What’s in a Name”.
- Chao, Yuen Ren, Chinese Terms of Address in Language, Vol. 32, January–March, 1956, pp. 217–241. On Chinese personal names and their use.
- Dabbs, Jack Autrey, Family Names in the Augustinian Order in Names, Vol. 4, September, 1956, pp. 138–145.
- Dabbs, Jack Autrey, Namelore in Latin America III in Names, Vol. 4, March, 1956, pp. 18–38. Bibliography.
- Dillon, Richard H., Name Indexes in American Libraries in Library Journal, Vol. 81, January 1, 1956, pp. 56–60.
- Dimock, Jr., G. E., The name of Odysseus in The Hudson Review, Vol. 9, Spring, 1956, pp. 52–70. On a few names in Homer.
- Gaster, Theodor H., Names and Nicknames in his The Holy and the Profane, pp. 33–38. New York, 1955.
- Gelb, I. J., The names of Ex-Voto Objects in Ancient Mesopotamia in Names, Vol. 4, June, 1956, pp. 65–69.
- Gumbley, Walter, Unusual Baptismal Names. Washington, 1956. pp. x, 54. List of the unusual Christian names approved by the Catholic Church, with explanations.
- Johnson, E. D., First Names in French Louisiana in Names, Vol. 4, March, 1956, pp. 49–53.
- Josephy, Jr., Alvin M., The Naming of the Nez Percés in Montanaithe Magazine of Western History, Vol. 5, Autumn, 1955, pp. 1–18. A discussion of the name of this and other Indian tribes.
- Kaganoff, Benzion C., Jewish Surnames Through the Ages in Commentary Vol. 22, September, 1956, pp. 249–259; reply by P. Tura, December, 1956, p. 577. A good comprehensive account.
- Karma, Inez, Cocktail Party Namesmanship in The New York Times Magazine, March 18, 1956, p. 78. How to hurdle the embarrassment of forgotten names when making introductions.
- Lamberts, Jack J., Knickerbocker in Names, Vol. 4, June, 1956, pp. 70–74.
- Loomis, C. Grant, Surnames in American Wordplay in Names, Vol. 4, June, 1956, pp. 86–95. On the punning use of surnames.
- Maidbury, Lawrence (pseud, for Terrick Fitzhugh), English Surnames in Latin in The Amateur Historian, Vol. 1, June–July, 1954, pp. 368–371.
- Maidbury, Lawrence (pseud, for Terrick Fitzhugh), Family History in Surnames in The Amateur Historian, Vol. 2, February– March, 1955, pp. 114–117.
- Merritt, Jesse, Long Island Family Names in New York Folklore Quarterly, Vol. 12, Summer, 1956, pp. 125–126. Chiefly the muster roll of an 1814 schooner in rhymed form.
- Mockler, William E., Surnames of Trans-Allegheny Virginia 1750– 1800 in Names, Vol. 4, March, 1956, pp. 1–17; June, 1956, pp. 96–118.
- Muscatine, Charles, The Name of Chaucer’s Friar in Modern Language Notes, Vol. 70, March, 1955, pp. 169–172. A discussion of the name Huberd.
- Nicolson, Harold, [Use of Christian Names] in his Good Behaviour, pp. 271–273. London, 1955. On methods of address.
- Nitze, William A., and Williams, Harry F., Arthurian Names in the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes ( University of California Publications in Modern Philology, Volume 38, No. 3, pp. 265- 298, 1 map) Berkeley, 1955. pp. [vi], (265–297). On the Arthurian names as used by Christian of Troyes.
- Pike, Robert E., Further Mutations on French-Canadian Proper Names in American Speech, Vol. 31, May, 1956, p. 153. On the change of French-Canadian names in New England.
- Robinson, Richard, A Criticism of Plato’s Cratylus in The Philosophical Review, Vol. 65, July, 1956, pp. 324–341. On Plato’s nature-theory of names, i. e., “everything has a right name by nature.”
- Rogers, P. Burwell, Changes in Virginia Names in American Speech, Vol. 31, February, 1956, pp. 21–24. On the change in pronunciation of names in Virginia.
- Rolls, Charles J., The World's Greatest Name. Grand Rapids (Mich.), 1956. pp. 185. On the names and titles of Jesus Christ.
- Sidney, John, Names That Aren’t in American Mercury, Vol. 83, October, 1956, pp. 29–31. A little about some unusual or odd forenames.
- Skinner, Cornelia Otis, I Never Remember a Name But I Always forget a Face in Reader's Digest, Vol. 69, September, 1956, pp. 127–129.
- Smith, Elsdon C., Dictionary of American Family Names. New York, 1956. pp. xxxvi, 244. Reviewed in Names, Vol. 4, December, 1956, pp. 252–257.
- Smith, Elsdon C. Literature on Personal Names in English, 1955 in Names, Vol. 4, June, 1956, pp. 122–126.
- Smith, Elsdon C., West North Versus East South in Names, Vol. 4, September, 1956, pp. 166–167. On the reasons for the relative frequency of these family names.
- Smith, Elsdon C., Your Family Name – What Does It Mean ? in Information Please Almanac, 1957, pp. 52–62. New York, 1956. An expanded list over that published in the 1956 edition.
- Spooner, Ella Brown, A Lullaby of Names. New York, 1956. pp. 68. A selection of some odd names classified in groups.
- Steinmueller, John E., and Sullivan, Kathryn, Name in their Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, Old Testament, pp. 756–757. New York, 1956. General on personal names.
- Steinmueller, John E., and Sullivan Kathryn, Names of God in their Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, Old Testament, pp. 757– 761. New York, 1956.
- Stevenson, Herbert Frederick, Titles of the Triune God. Westwood (N.J.), 1956. pp. 190. On all the names and titles of the Three Persons of the Trinity.
- Varney, Harold Lord, Big Names in the Window in American Mercury, Vol. 82, March, 1956, pp. 97–102. On the use of famous names in America by groups for propaganda campaigns.
- Ware, John N., Enroughty, Darby and General McClellan in American Heritage, Vol. 7, February, 1956, p. 120. On the name Enroughty, pronounced Darby, and how it helped General McClellan.
- Wasiolek, Edward, Yanko Goorall, A Note on Name Symbolism in Conrad’s Amy Foster in Modern Language Notes, Vol. 71, June, 1956, pp. 418–419.
- Weisenthal, Lee, Equity Jurisdiction – Injunction against Informal Name Change in Wayne Law Review, Vol. 2, Summer, 1956, pp. 228–230. A discussion of Mark v. Kahn, 131 N.E. 2d 758 (Mass. 1956).
- “Your Name” in Names, Vol. 4, September, 1956, pp. 187–189. Evanston, Illinois