Published 1954-06-01
Copyright (c) 1954 Maney

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- “C. S. Forester on Names of His Characters” in Names, Vol 1, December, 1953, pp. 245–251.
- Campbell, C. G., “Girl’s Names of Possible Arabic Origin” in Names, Vol. 1, March, 1953, pp. 48–49.
- Egan, E. M., “Name for Baby” in Catholic Home Journal, Vol. 53, February, 1953, p. 2.
- Everts, P. W., “When Names are Important” in Title News, Vol. 32, June, 1953, pp. 25–27.
- Detroit, 1953.
- Grace, Virginia R., “The Eponyms Named on Rhodian Amphora Stamps” in Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. 22, April-June, 1953, PP- 116–128, pi. 42-44.
- Grant, W. Leonard, “On Giovanni Aurispa’s Names” in Philological Quarterly, Vol. 32, April, 1953, pp. 219–223.
- Griffiths, J. Gwyn, “The Egyptian Derivation of the Name Moses” in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, October, 1953, pp. 225231.
- Hargreaves, Reginald, “What’s in a Name?” in United States Army Combat Forces Journal, Vol. 3, January, 1953, pp. 25–28.
- On nicknames for soldiers, chiefly on “soldier.”
- Heywood, Valentine, British Titles. Second Edition, London, 1953. pp. 188.
- On the use and misuse of the titles of peers and commoners with some historical notes.
- Hotchner, Cecilia A., “An Unusual Name Superstition” in Names, Vol. 1, March, 1953, pp. 50–51.
- “It’s Safer to Name Men for Roses, Than to Name Roses for Men” in Saturday Evening Post, Vol. 226, October 24, 1953, p. 12.
- On the lack of permanence of the names of places and things named after men.
- Jackson, Kenneth, “Early English Names” in his Language and History in Early Britain, passim. Edinburgh, 1953.
- Various Early English names are referred to throughout the book. See index.
- Jacobs, Leland B., “Helping Children Understand Name-calling” in Elementary English, Vol. 30, October, 1953, pp. 337–340.
- Chicago, 1953. (Condensed in Education Digest, Vol. 19, December, 1953’ PP* 6–7. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1953.)
- On the use of nicknames and epithets.
- Langenfeit, Gösta, “The Type ‘A Talbot!’ ” in Studier i Modern Sprâkvetenskap, Vol. 18, pp. 55–64.
- On the use of “a” with a surname, chiefly in war cries.
- Locke, Philip C., “Change of Name Following a Divorce” in Manitoba Bar News, Vol. 24, April, 1953, pp. 24–25.
- Change of name may be made only by compliance with the Change of Name Act.
- Lowry, Lillian, “Christian Names in Western Kentucky” in Midwest Folklore, Vol. 3, Fall, 1953, pp. 131–136.
- An analysis of the given names found in Calloway County, Kentucky. Maas, Ernest L., “Name Calling at the UN” in United Nations World, Vol. 7, March, 1953, p. 41.
- On the meaning of a few of the names of staff members of the United Nations.
- McCartney, Eugene S., “On Remembering Names in Antiquity” in Names, Vol. 1, September, 1953, pp. 192–196.
- Malone, Kemp, “Royal Names in Old English Poetry” in Names, Vol. 1, September, 1953, pp. 153–162.
- Mary, Sister, “Names for Your Baby” in Catholic Digest, Vol. 18, December, 1953, pp. 116–117.
- On surnames of English saints and martyrs which might be given to babies, as Morse, Nelson, Carter, etc.
- Pyles, Thomas, “British Titles of Nobility and Honor in American English” in American Speech, Vol. 28, May, 1953, pp. 69–79.
- A discussion of British titles as misused in America.
- Raine, Kathleen, and others, “Christian Names” in The New Statesman and Nation, Vol. 45, January 3, 1953, p. 14; January 10, 1953, p. 41; January 17, 1953, p. 67; January 24, 1953, p. 95; January 31, 1953, p. 122. London, 1953.
- A discussion of the familiar use of Christian names by strangers.
- Ramsay, Robert L., “Scyldings and Shields” in Names, Vol. 1, December, 1953, pp. 274–276.
- Reaney, P. H., “Notes on the Survival of Old English Personal Names in Middle English" in Studier i Modern Sprâkvetenskap, Vol. 18, pp. 84–112.
- Chiefly a list with comments.
- Rolls, Charles J., The Indescribable Christ. The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ.
- Grand Rapids (Mich.), 1953. pp. 215.
- Of a devotional nature.
- Saroyan, William, “Random Notes on the Names of People" in Names, Vol. 1, December, 1953, pp. 239–241.
- “Sign of the Goat” in Time, Vol. 61, March 16, 1953, P- 27*
- On some odd names.
- Slattery, T. P., “The Meaning and Effect of Article 56a C.C.” in La Revue du Barreau de la Province de Québec, Vol. 13, January, *953> PP- 23–39- .
- A discussion of the law of personal names and change of names in Quebec as set out in the Civil Code.
- Smedley, Ralph C., “Name, Please?” in The Toastmaster, Vol. 19, July, 1953, p. 30.
- Santa Ana (Calif.), 1953.
- A brief note on occupational surnames.
- Smith, Elsdon C., “Books in English on Personal Names” in Names, Vol. 1, September, 1953, pp. 197–202.
- Smith, Elsdon C., “ ‘Collector’s Choice’ Personal Names” in Antiquarian Bookman, Vol. 11, June 6, 1953, pp. 1879–1880.
- On collecting books on personal names.
- Smith, Kate, “The Magic Name” in Coronet, Vol. 35, December, 1953, p. 157.
- Men named Hugh Williams have survived various disasters over the years since 1664.
- Squibb, G. D., “The End of the Name and Arms Clause?” in The Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 69, April, 1953, pp. 219–225. 1
- London, 1953.
- A discussion of the law on this subject.
- Stern, Gladys Bertha, A Name to Conjure With. New York, 1953. pp. 223.
- Miss Stern’s reminiscences in which her central theme is personal names.
- Straubinger, O. Paul, “Der Wahre Jakob” in Names, Vol. 1, June, 1953, pp. 112–114.
- Taylor, Vincent, The Names of Jesus. New York, 1953. pp. ix, 179.
- A study of the names and titles of Christ.
- Tibön, Gutierre, “The Name Dante” in Names, Vol. 1, September, 1953, p. 208.
- Tibön, Gutierre, “The Surname Gonzalez” in Names, Vol. 1, June, 1953, p. 128.
- Tooker, D. T., “Taking of Thomasina” in Ave Maria, Vol. 77, January 17, 1953, pp. 79–82.
- Notre Dame (Ind.), 1953.
- Van Doren, Barbara, “A New Name for the Child?” in Life Today, Vol. 6, October-November, 1953, pp. 47–49.
- Concord (N. H.), 1953.
- The problem to be faced when a mother remarries.
- Wall, Florence E., “On the Naming of Names” in Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 30, February, 1953, pp. 88–89. On the confusion caused by the various forms of personal names by which early scholars were known.
- Wells, Evelyn, What to Name the Baby (A Treasury of Names). New York, 1953. pp. [viii], 326.
- Cheap reprint of “A Treasury of Names,” New York, 1946.
- Wilson, Neil L., “Designation and Description” in The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 50, June 18, 1953, pp. 369–383.
- On the theory of proper names.
- Wilson, Neil L., “In Defense of Proper Names against Descriptions” in Philosophical Studies, Vol. 4, October, 1953, pp. 72–78.
- On the theory of proper names.