Unveiling the Landscape of Onomastics from 1972 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis Siyue Li, Chunyu Kit, Le Cheng 40-64 2024-09-18
Mestizísmo: The Onomastics of Cultures in Contact in Mexico and Mesoamerica Leonard R. N. Ashley 180-209 1976-09-01
Literary Onomastics and the Descent of Nations: the Example of Isidore and Vico Mark E. Amsler 106-116 1979-06-01
From Veronal to Quviviq: A Lexicological Analysis of Trade Names for Prescription Sleeping Pills from 1903 to 2022 Pascaline Faure 37-48 2024-12-02
Cha ucerian Onolllastics: The Formation and Use of Personal Names in Chaucer's Works Jacqueline De Weever 1-31 1980-03-01