Vol. 65 No. 1 (2017)

A Note on Popular Baby Names on the Social Security Website: An Important Onomastic Resource

Published 2017-01-02


This note provides a road map for the use of the Social Security “Popular Baby Names” website. It gives information on how to navigate the site and utilize all of its features for research, decision making in the selection of a baby’s name, personal information, and many other possibilities.


  1. Shackleford, Michael W. 1998. “Name Distributions in the Social Security Area, August 1997.” Actuarial Note Number 139, June, <https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/NOTES/note139/original_note139.html> (Accessed May 5, 2016).
  2. Shackleford, Michael W. 2016. “Michael Shackleford,” <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Shackleford> (Accessed May 7, 2016).
  3. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016a. “Background Information.” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/background.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  4. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016b. “Beyond the Top 1000 Names.” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  5. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016c. “Change in Name Popularity.” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/rankchange.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  6. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016d. “Change in Popularity of Baby Names by Decade from the 1880s to the 2010s,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/decades/index.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  7. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016e. “Names Having the Same Popularity,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/rankchange.html#&ht=2> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  8. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016f. “Names that Decreased in Popularity,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/rankchange.html#&ht=1> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  9. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016g. “Names that Increased in Popularity,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/rankchange.html#&ht=0> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  10. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016h. “Number of Social Security Card Holders Born in the US by Year of Birth and Sex,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/numberUSbirths.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  11. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016i. “Popular Baby Names,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/> (Accessed May 7, 2016).
  12. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016j. “Popularity of a Specific Name,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/#&ht=2> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  13. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016k. “Popularity of Baby Names by Birth Year,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/#&ht=1> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  14. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016l. “Popularity of Baby Names by State (1960 to date),” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/state/index.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  15. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016m. “Popularity of Baby Names by the US Territories,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/territories.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  16. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016n. “Popularity of the Top Five Baby Names in Each of the Last 100 Years (1916 to 2015),” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/top5names.html2016> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  17. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016o. “Social Security Number Holders,” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/births.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  18. Social Security Administration (SSA). 2016p. “Top Five Baby Names for a Selected Year by State (1980 to date),” <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/state/top5_2014.html> (Accessed May 10, 2016).
  19. The Wizard of Las Vegas. 2016. <http://wizardofvegas.com> (Accessed May 7, 2016).
  20. The Wizard of Odds. 2016. <http://wizardofodds.com> (Accessed May 7, 2016).