Published 2019-04-03
- nicknames,
- bynames,
- anthroponymics,
- cognomina,
- Old Norse
- terminology,
- medieval names ...More
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There are place names all around the world formed by a combination of two elements, a specific and a generic, both of which refer to the same geographic feature type. A typical pattern is for an indigenous generic functioning as a specific to precede a matching introduced generic. For example: Ohio River < Iroquoian Ohio ‘Great River’?+?River; and Lake Rotorua < M?ori roto ‘lake’?+?rua ‘two/second’ (‘Second Lake’)?+?Lake. Such toponyms, though not overall numerous, nevertheless occur often enough to warrant being recognized as a distinct class of place names. The literature provides no adequate or consistent term for this pattern: the various attempts clash with each other, and all fail to address the concept effectively. This article aims to address this situation.
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